2. Confucius said, "Being rich and expensive is what people want; If you don't get it by its way, it's nowhere. Poverty and meanness are human evils; If you don't get it by the way, don't go. If a gentleman goes to benevolence, he will become famous. If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence. If he expects something, he will be upset.
3. Confucius said, "If you don't travel far when your parents are here, you must travel well.
4. When Bo Niu was ill, the son asked him, and he held his hand, saying, "If he dies, he will die! People in Sri Lanka also have illnesses! People in Sri Lanka also have illnesses!
5. zi gong said, "what if you can give to the people and help the people?" Is it kind? Confucius said, "What is benevolence? Will also be holy! Yao Shun is still ill! A benevolent man wants to stand up and be a man, and he wants to reach and be a man. It can be said that the side of benevolence has also been.
6. Zi eats the side of the mourners, and he is not full.
7. Zeng Zi said, "You can entrust an orphan of six feet, you can send a life of a hundred miles, and you can't take it away. Gentleman and gentleman are also.
8. Ceng Zi was ill, so he called his younger brother, saying, "Enlightenment is enough! Kai Yu shou! As the poem goes, "I'm on the brink of an abyss and walking on thin ice. "now
later, I know to avoid my husband! Boy!
9. Ceng Zi was ill, and Meng Jingzi asked him. Ceng Zi said, "When a bird is dying, its song is also sad; Dying men speak true. What a gentleman values is
Taoist three: moving the appearance, being far away from being violent and slow; Positive color, close to the letter smile; If you speak out, you will be far more contemptible. When it comes to water beans, there is a secretary.
1. Zeng Zi said, "If you can ask about what you can, you can ask about what you can't. If you have something, if you don't have it, you can do it. If you make a mistake, you don't go to school. I used to be my friend and tried to engage in Sri Lanka." 」