"The program has performed an illegal operation and will be closed soon. Please contact your software vendor "-Microsoft's famous saying is an annoying trouble that people who use Windows encounter almost every day, especially those who use Windows9X. There are countless articles on how to reduce the frequency of illegal operation and how to optimize the system on the internet, newspapers and magazines, but "illegal operation" is still an unavoidable problem. So when this kind of error happens, how to deal with it?
First, a deep understanding of the concept of "current state"
You know, although Windows is called a multi-task parallel processing system, it can process some real-time jobs in the background, but the influence between jobs is inevitable when it is parallel, and the speed will definitely be affected. Therefore, Windows will still give priority to the task where the current cursor is located, and "current status" is the priority. The current status means the priority control level. When the system is normal, it will not show any importance, but when you encounter abnormal conditions, it is very important to properly handle the "current state".
For example, the virtual memory we use every day is actually a record of the "current state" of the system. If you open Photoshop to process graphics first, and change the drive letter of virtual memory in the middle because of optimizing the system or other reasons, then when you save it, Photoshop will have illegal operation because it can't synchronize with the state you specified.
Even if you don't make this sudden change on the way, other programs under the Windows platform will still have illegal operations for unknown reasons. At this point, a dialog box will pop up for you to click "Confirm". Novices can click "OK" without saving their work results. As a result, I don't need to say more. Most of them automatically collapse or quit, and a few hours of hard work may be wasted. But if you understand the concept of "current status", you will know that once you click OK, the system may automatically quit your current job, save nothing, or even crash. But before you click to confirm the illegal operation, as long as the mouse and keyboard are still responding and the control is still in the hands of the current software, you can save the work results first. It doesn't matter if the system crashes after saving the disk. Big deal, restart it.
Second, the "alternative" illegal operation measures
1. Since illegal operation is inevitable, it is an important measure to save the dialog box and your work first when this error occurs. Because after you confirm the illegal operation, you may shut down the program or crash the system, so don't subconsciously confirm the error.
2. After saving the completed work, it is also recommended that you do not confirm the error for two reasons:
(1) Avoid crashing after confirmation, which may lead to the need to reset and restart, which may be detrimental to the hardware (especially the hard disk may not be reset).
(2) Even if it is confirmed that Windows can continue to work normally, it is superficial-it is probably on the verge of collapse, so it is better to restart Windows.
Then select "restart the computer and switch to MSDOS state" in the start menu, and then use the EXIT command to return to Windows. This can eradicate the potential impact of illegal operations, and it is very fast and does not need to reinitialize the hardware.
One last suggestion: choose more stable memory and motherboard, or upgrade Windows system-the stability of hardware system depends largely on the quality of memory and motherboard; In addition, illegal operations in Windows2000 and subsequent versions are also much less. It is also a good idea to switch to LINUX.