Confucius’ famous saying: ①Learn and practice from time to time, isn’t it true? ②Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous. ③Agile and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions. ④ By reviewing the past and learning the new, you can become a teacher. Mencius famously said: Fish is what I want, and bear's paws are also what I want; you cannot have both, for you would give up the fish and take the bear's paw. Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You cannot have both, and you have to sacrifice life for righteousness. When I am old, I am in harmony with others; when I am young, I am in harmony with others. Those who have attained the truth will receive much help, while those who have lost the truth will receive little help. When there is little help, relatives will be there; when there is much help, the world will follow. The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people. The three treasures of the princes are: land, people, and political affairs. Those with precious stones and jade will suffer disaster. A gentleman has three kinds of happiness, but the king of the world does not share them. Having both parents and having brothers without any reason is one happiness; looking up to Heaven and not being ashamed of others is the second happiness; being able to educate the talented people from all over the world is the third happiness. Everyone can be like Yao and Shun. A wife will insult herself, and then others will insult her; a family will destroy herself, and then others will destroy her; a country will destroy itself, and then others will destroy it. All misfortunes and blessings come from those who seek them by themselves. A gentleman does not complain about heaven or blame others. Wealth and honor cannot lead to sexual immorality, poverty and lowliness cannot change, and power and authority cannot yield. This is called a true man. To nourish the heart, don’t be good at having few desires. Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his heart, and confuse his actions. Therefore, tempting his heart and forbearance will benefit him in a way that he cannot do. Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others. If you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world. _Believing in "The Book" is worse than not having the "Book".
Source: Popular science fairy tale·Diary of a top student