1 What is an attributive clause? Precedent? Guiding words? What is the position of the attributive clause?
Attributive clauses are used as attributes in sentences to modify nouns or pronouns.
The modified noun, phrase or pronoun is the antecedent.
Attributive clauses usually appear after antecedents and are guided by relative words (relative pronouns or adverbs).
→ (Chinese understanding of quotations)
The old man is a famous artist.
The old man whom we saw yesterday is a famous artist.
What we saw yesterday-attributive old man-noun antecedent
→ (English understanding of quotations)
We visited who/who/that attributive clause yesterday-as an attribute in a sentence.
Old man is a modifier noun-antecedent.
→ The leading words of attributive clauses are divided into five relative pronouns:
(1).who- refers to a person as the subject of a clause.
(2) refers to a person, as an object in a clause.
(3) refers to a person or thing and is used as an attribute in a clause.
(4) which-refers to the object, and the object refers to the subject or object in the clause.
(5).that- refers to people or things, and refers to the subject or object in the clause.
And three relative adverbs:
(1).when- refers to time, and is used as an adverbial of time in a clause.
(2).where- refers to the place, as an adverbial of place in the clause.
(3).why- refers to the reason, as an adverbial of reason in the clause.
Note: What is the main basis for judging whether to use relative pronouns or adverbs?
According to the components of the leading words in the clauses:
If the leading words act as subjects, objects and attributes in clauses, relative pronouns must be used; If the leading word is used as an adverbial in a clause, you must use a relative adverb.
Non-predicate (infinitive gerund participle)
→ Distinguish predicate verbs from non-predicate verbs (simple understanding)
1) Predicate verbs can be used as predicates alone in sentences, while non-predicate verbs cannot be used as predicates alone.
Miss Mary teaches us English.
Mary teaches us English. (Teaching verbs as predicates)
Mr. Victor came to our classroom to talk with us last week.
Mr. Victor came to our classroom and talked with us last week. (Talk about ... infinitive as adverbial)
2) Predicate verbs are limited by the person and number of the subject, while non-predicate verbs are not.
Larch likes pop music.
Lucky likes pop music. (verb in singular third person form)
Larch has nothing to do today.
Lacker has nothing to do today. (do in prototype)
It's terrible to work under such conditions.
It is terrible to work in such an environment.
In this case, it is an adverbial of work.
Gerund as non-predicate verb as subject in the sentence.
Famous image processing software
On the first layer of non-predicate
What he said made me very angry. There are two verbs in this sentence, said and made respectively. The real predicate verb is not spoken, but made. Said is a non-predicate verb.
Distinguishing and understanding non-predicate verbs is a good example (⊙o⊙).
1. Attributive clause All that can be eaten has been eaten up.
For a long time C. had all the time
In this sentence, the subject of the main clause is all, which is an abstract concept. Therefore, its predicate should be singular. The relative pronoun that leads the attributive clause is the subject of the clause.
The prize money of this game program is 30,000 dollars, and all the expenses of going to China.
Payment; pay
Excluding C, the game prize of this program is 30,000 dollars, and all expenses include the performance fee to China.
The relationship between expenses and payment is passive, so it is paid expenses.
And the effort is positive, and. Giving is the future and the purpose. Only paying means the past and passivity, so the answer is B.