Le Yangzi found a piece of gold on the road and went home to give it to his wife. The wife said, "I heard that ambitious people don't drink water from stolen springs or eat other people's food, and don't take what others have lost for personal gain and ruin their morality?"
Le Yangzi was ashamed, threw the gold into the wild and ran far away to find a teacher to learn. After a year, Le Yangzi came back. His wife asked him why he came back. Le Yangzi said, "I just went out for a long time and was homesick, that's all."
The wife came to the loom with a knife and said, "This silk is the silk spit out by silkworms. Accumulate one by one on the loom, then grow to an inch, accumulate inch by inch, and then you can become a horse. " If we cut this silk now, it will give up halfway and waste time. You go out to study and come back halfway. What's the difference between that and cutting this silk? "
Le Yangzi was moved by her words and went back to finish his studies.
2. Grinding into needles
When Li Bai was young, he was very playful and didn't study hard. One day, he went to play in the wild and saw a white-haired old woman by the river, holding a big iron bar in her hand and grinding it hard on a stone. Li Bai asked in surprise, "Old woman, what are you doing?"
While grinding the iron bar, the old woman replied, "I want to grind it into an embroidery needle." Li Bai was moved by the old woman's behavior, bowed deeply to her and went home to study hard.
3. Seven large water tanks
Wang Xianzhi, the son of Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher in Jin Dynasty, studied calligraphy with his father at the age of eight. He is clever and studious, and he practices calligraphy at his desk every day. However, after a long time, Wang Xianzhi became a little impatient and bored. He wanted to take a shortcut, so he asked his father what was the secret of learning calligraphy.
Wang Xizhi pointed to the seven big water tanks at home and said, "The secret lies in these seven tanks. When you have finished writing the water in these seven tanks, you will naturally know the secret. "
From then on, Wang Xianzhi worked hard on his basic skills, really finished writing the seven jars of water, and finally became a great calligrapher with the same fame as his father.
4. Qi Baishi's "Fossil is Mud"
Qi Baishi liked seal cutting when he was young. One day, he went to an old seal engraver for advice. The old seal engraver said, "You pick a stone, grind it, grind it, and when these stones turn into mud, your seal will be engraved."
Qi Baishi really picked a load of stones and practiced seal cutting day and night. While carving, he contrasted and pondered the works of famous seal engravers. He carved and polished it, and then carved it when it was polished. I have blisters on my hands and concentrate on carving.
Day after day, year after year, there are fewer and fewer stones, and the soil deposited on the ground is thicker and thicker. Finally, all "fossils are mud".
5. Chengmen Sydney
Shi Yang, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi were all very learned people in the Song Dynasty. Jinshi Shi Yang, in order to enrich his knowledge, resolutely gave up his high position and wealth, and went to Yingchang, Henan Province to worship Cheng Hao as a teacher, asking for advice modestly. Later, when Cheng Hao died, he was in his forties, but he was determined to study hard and go to Luoyang to learn from Cheng Hao's younger brother Cheng Yi. ?
So, he and his friend You Zuo went to Cheng's home to visit Cheng Yi, but they met Mr. Cheng who closed his eyes and took a nap. At this time, it began to snow outside.
Eager to be a teacher, the two men stood aside respectfully and said nothing. After waiting for a long time, Cheng Yi slowly opened his eyes and saw You Zuo standing in front of him. He was startled and said, "Ah, ah! Are they still there? " At this time, the snow outside has accumulated more than a foot thick, and He Youzuo doesn't look tired and impatient.