The wet nurse of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty tried to commit a crime outside. The emperor wanted to declare the Constitution, and the wet nurse asked Dong Fangshuo for help. Shuo said, "This is not a dispute between lips. I will rely on those who help me. I'm going. I should always take care of the emperor. Be careful not to tell! This may be just in case. " The wet nurse arrived and the new moon took part, because she said, "You are deaf! Does the emperor recall the good and evil when you were breastfeeding? " Although the emperor is ambitious and forbearing, he is sad, that is, he is exempt from sin.
About Jing Fang and the Emperor of Han Dynasty, he asked the Emperor, "Why did you die? Hello? " Answer: "He is not loyal to anyone." Fang said, "Why not do it when you know it's disloyal?" He said, "The monarch of national subjugation, together with other wise ministers, let him go knowing that he is unfaithful?" Ji Fang looked down and said, "It's better to look at the eyes than the eyes."
Chen Yuanfang was mourned, wept and mourned by his father, and his body stood upright. His mother was in a hurry and stole brocade to cover her body. Guo hung it up and saw it. He said: "You are a talented person in the world, and the four sides are reasonable. How can you be mourned and covered? " Confucius said,' I am rich in clothes and rice. What about your safety? I don't accept it! "awake. Since then, guests have lived here for hundreds of days.
Sun Xiu is good at shooting pheasants, but when the time comes, he will go back in the morning. Ministers not only protested: "This is a trivial matter, why bother?" Hugh said, "Although it is a small matter, Geng Jie is superior, so I am good."
Sun Hao asked Prime Minister Lu Kai, "How many people are there in your family?" Lu said, "There are more than ten generals, including two emperors and five emperors." Hao said, "Sheng!" Lu Yue said, "A virtuous minister is loyal to his country, enriching the people and strengthening the country. A father is kind and filial, and a family is prosperous. Today's political shortage harms the people, and destruction is fear. How dare I say! "
Yan He and Deng Yang ordered Guan Ju to divine, saying, "I wonder if it is three?" After divination, it is said that it refers to the ancient meaning, and I deeply take it as a warning. Yang said, "This is an old saying." Yan said: "I know how amazing this is! The ancients thought it was difficult. It's hard for people to be honest with each other nowadays. Today, you can do two difficult things at the same time, which can be described as' Ming Wei De Xin'. Nothing is said in the poem:' If you hide in the center, when will you forget it!' "
Emperor Wu of Jin did not understand the prince's folly, but it must have been passed down. Famous ministers also offered more outspoken words. The emperor tried to sit on the platform of the mausoleum, and Wei Guan was by his side. He wants to express his feelings. Because he was drunk, he knelt before the emperor, touched the bed with his hand and said, "It's a pity to sit here." Although the emperor realized this, he still smiled and said, "Are you drunk or possessed?"
Wang Yi's wife, Guo Taining, is a clumsy and upright woman with insatiable greed. Yves suffered so much that it could not be banned. At that time, Li Yang, a fellow countryman in Youzhou, was a hero in Kyoto, and was guarded by the government, and Guo was afraid of it. Yi Fu suddenly protested to him, saying, "Not only must I say my dear, but Li Yang also says my dear." Guo's little mistake.
Wang Yi is elegant and lofty, often jealous of his wife's greed, and never said the word "money". The woman wants to try and let the maid use money to turn around the bed, but she can't. When I got up in the morning, I saw money worshipping, so I called the maid, "Go and block it."
When Wang was 14 or 15 years old, he saw the greed of Wang Yifu's wife, the Guo family, and let the maid waste on the road. Guo was furious and said to him, "When the old lady died yesterday, she wanted the bride, not the bride!" " Grab clothes, grab sticks. Ping Zi spared no effort to escape through the window.
Yuan Di is still good at crossing the river, while Wang Maohong has long been bitter with the emperor, often crying and remonstrating. The emperor promised it, ordered it to drink, and it would be broken after drinking.
Xie Kun is the governor of Zhang Yu, from general to stone. Dun said Kun said, "I can't make a virtuous thing anymore." Kun said, "What is it? But from now on, the days have passed! " Dun, also known as the disease does not move toward the DPRK, said to Dun: "If you are near, you will move to the public. Although you want to save the country, you can't achieve it in the four seas. If the emperor can be played, the ministers will be relieved and the heart of all things will be subdued. The people hope to follow the crowd and retire to serve the Lord. If so, they will be honored and famous for thousands of years. " People think this is a famous saying.
During the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, Tingwei Zhang Kai lived in a small city and worked as a janitor in private, closing the door early and opening the door late. It is unreasonable for a small number of people to suffer from it and the state government to sue. So they went to Deng Deng to smell the drums, but they were still not sentenced. Wenhe kept coming out, even broke the news and even named congratulations. He said, "That's not true." The group kowtowed and said, "If you don't see the antidote again, you have nothing to complain about." Without saying anything, he ordered him to see Zhang Tingwei. Zhang Wen destroyed the door and went to Fangshan to meet him. Congratulations on seeing the words: "You don't need to look at the customs, but I cherish it with your family." Zhang Qian thanked him and said, "I didn't know at first, but it was ruined."
Xi Taiwei's evening festival is easy to talk about, not only elegant, but also very regrettable. After the hajj, Prime Minister Wang hated it in his last years, and he had to learn from each other every time he saw it. The prince knows what it means and says it every time he quotes it. Back in town, I was ordered to drive the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister stood up sternly, sat down and said, "Be good and say whatever you see." Full of profound meaning, words don't flow. The maharaja took the second photo and said, "I will do my best in the future." I hope you will stop talking. " When the ice came out, I couldn't say a word.
The Prime Minister Wang was appointed as Yangzhou, and eight ministries were appointed to this position. When you care about peace, you can pass it on and see it at the same time. Everyone involved in every drama gains and loses two thousand stones and is speechless. The king asked Gu, "What did you hear?" He replied, "Instead of unity, it is better to be lenient and drink poison to quench your thirst. Why do you want to listen to the wind and think it is a policy of inspection? " The Prime Minister's suggestions are very good, but they are all self-interested.
Sue, and asked the official department to keep up with him. Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Mi were surrounded and ordered to set fire to Nagato for demonstrations. Lu Jun said, "Wu Zhiping will be in chaos soon. If it is chaos, please start from my home. " Don't say that.
It is not uncommon for people to worship on the land. Some people took aim, asked for wine and got it. They will start from the ground between beams and columns and think, "We are short of talents today, so we should treat you as a pillar, and don't pour people into it." The joke said, "I'm sorry for your good advice."
Xiao Yu was in Jingzhou. At a public meeting, she asked the generals, "What do I want Henkel and Wei Wu to do?" As soon as he sat down, the man with a long history said, "I would rather be a servant of Huan Hewen than a servant of Han Gaohe."
Luo was engaged to Huan in Xuanwu, and Xie Zhenxi was engaged in Jiangxia, and went to see it. When Luo arrived, he did not ask about the county at first; Thank you for a few days, and drink and return. Huan Gong asked what was going on? Jun Zhang Yun: "What is it like to thank a business without judging the public?" Duke Huan said, "Renzu is the one who beats me." Jun Zhang Yun: "Did anyone win the public and do something wrong, so don't ask anything." Huan Gong was surprised at his intention and didn't blame him.
Have a good relationship with Wang and Xu. After the death of the two men, the right army became more critical. Kong Yan remonstrated: "The Ming government fell in love with Wang and Xu in the past. After their death, they died without being wary, and the people did not take it." The right army is ashamed.
Xie Zhonglang was defeated by Shouchun, and he was a fugitive. A teacher is in the army and there is no profit or loss before and after. Two-day tour: "Why bother today?"
Dongting, Wang Dayu: "Young people are not evil, so they have to play with monks!" "
Yin Ji is sick and sleepy, depending on his political views. Jinyang, the first Yin Jingzhou, went to see him off and cried bitterly, which was caused by the news. He replied, "I have been ill since I became a policeman. I am worried about your ears!" " "
Yuan Gong is in Lushan Mountain. Although he is old, he talks endlessly. Some disciples may have fallen. Yuan Gong said, "The light of Sang Yu has no distant light; I hope that Chaoyang will shine with the times. " Sitting with scriptures, satirizing Lang Chang, the words are very bitter. Those who are full of feet are in awe and respect.
Huannan County is good at hunting, hunting every game, and riding a car is very prosperous. At fifty or sixty miles, the flag was covered. If you are a good horse and hit it and fly, you will find what you mean. You won't avoid high mountains and valleys. Or the line is not complete, the rabbit runs away, and all the assistants are tied up. Xuanzong Huan Daogong joined the army as a thief and dared to speak. I often tie my crimson cotton rope around my waist and declare, "What is this?" A: "If you hunt in public, you will be bound if you are good at binding, but your hands are not as rough." Xuan has been absent-minded since then.
Wang Xu and Wang Guobao are as close as lips and teeth. Wang Da was not satisfied with this and said to Xu, "Have you ever thought that it is expensive to make the jailer so embarrassed?"
Huan Xuan wanted to take Xie Zhai, a teacher, as his camp, and said, "Calling Bo's benevolence will benefit Gan Tang; The virtue of Wenjing does not guarantee a five-acre house. " Stop in shame.
Emperor Wu's wet nurse once committed a crime outside. Emperor Wu will be punished according to law, and the wet nurse will go to Dong Fangshuo for help. Dong Fangshuo said, "You can't win this by your lips. If you want to do things well, you can only look back at the emperor again and again when you leave, and don't talk. Maybe if there is hope. " When the nurse came in to say goodbye, Dong Fangshuo accompanied the emperor. The wet nurse often commented on Emperor Wu as Dong Fangshuo said, and Dong Fangshuo said to her, "You are so stupid! Will the emperor still think of you when he is nursing? " Although Liang Wudi was extremely clever and vicious, she could not help feeling deeply attached to her, so she took pity on the wet nurse sadly and immediately ordered her to be excused.
Fang Jing discussed with Emperor Han Yuan and took the opportunity to ask Yuan Di, "Why did Zhou Youwang and Zhou Liwang perish? Who are they appointing? " Yuan Di replied, "The person they appointed is unfaithful." Fang Jing asked again; "Knowing that he is unfaithful, he still wants to be appointed. What is the reason? " Yuan Di said: "The monarch who perished thought his subjects were kind. I don't know that you are unfaithful, but I have to hire him! " Jing Fang fell to the ground and said, "I'm afraid we see the ancients today, just as future generations see us today."
Chen Yuanfang suffered the misfortune of losing his father, weeping bitterly, mourning for his heart, and his body was as thin as a bone. His mother loved him so much that she secretly covered him with a brocade quilt while he was sleeping. Guo went to pay his respects and saw him covered with a brocade quilt. He said to him, "You are an outstanding figure in China, and people all over the country learn from you. How to cover a brocade quilt during the funeral? Confucius said, "Are you comfortable wearing that satin dress and eating that meal?" I don't think this is desirable. "Say that finish and left. Since then, no guests have come to mourn for hundreds of days.
Sun Xiu likes to shoot pheasants. In pheasant season, he goes out early and comes back late. Everyone in the group dissuaded him and said, "This is a trivial matter, where is it worthy of excessive infatuation!" "Sun Xiu said," Although it is a trivial matter, it is more honest and frank than others, so I like it. "
Sun Hao asked Prime Minister Lu Kai: "How many people in your family are officials in the DPRK?" Lu Kai said, "Two prime ministers, five Marquis and a dozen generals." Sun Hao said, "It's really busy!" Lu Kai said: "The wise monarch and loyal officials are symbols of the country's prosperity; Kindness of parents and filial piety of children are symbols of family prosperity. Now that the government affairs are ridiculous and the people are suffering, I am afraid that the country will perish. How dare I say that the country is rich and strong! "
Yan He and Deng Kui asked Guan Ju to give them divination, saying, "I wonder if our official position can be promoted to the office of Sangong?" After the divination was completed, Guan Ju quoted the principle of ancient books and gave a meaningful admonition. Deng said, "You are a cliche." Yan He said: "It can be very subtle to understand the signs of things changing. The ancients thought it was difficult; Modern people think it is difficult to have shallow friendship, but they should speak sincerely. Now, you have just said the solutions to these two difficult problems, which can be said to be' knowing morality and being sincere'. The Book of Songs doesn't say,' If you hide in the center, please forget it one day!' I must remember what you said. "
Since Emperor Wu of Jin did not understand that the prince was stupid, he intended to pass on the throne to him. Many famous ministers also voiced their voices and protested strongly. On one occasion, Emperor Wu sat on the platform of the mausoleum, accompanied by Wei Guan. He wanted to take the opportunity to express his thoughts, kneeling in front of Emperor Wu like a drunk, patting the bed with his hand and saying, "What a pity this seat is!" " Although Emperor Wu understood his intention, he still smiled and said, "Are you drunk?"
Wang Yifu's wife is Guo Taining's daughter. She is clumsy, stubborn and insatiable, and likes to interfere in other people's affairs. Wang Yifu was very nervous about her, but he couldn't stop it. At that time, Li Yang, a fellow countryman and secretariat of Youzhou, was a great warrior in Kyoto, just like the watchtower of the Han Dynasty, and Wang Yifu's wife Guo was afraid of him. Wang Yifu often exhorts his wife and tells her, "Not only do I say you can't do this, but Li Yang also thinks you can't do this." Therefore, Guo Jiayi was a little restrained.
Wang Yifu always admired Hyunri and often hated his wife's greed and meanness. He never said the word "money" His wife wanted to try him, so she asked her maid to put money around the bed so that he could not walk. When Wang Yifu got up in the morning, he saw that money was stopping him from walking. He called his maid and said, "Take these things off!" " "
When Wang was 14 or 15 years old, he saw Wang Yifu's wife, Guo, who was greedy, and asked the servant girl to pick up dung on the road. Ping Zi dissuaded her and explained that it wouldn't work. Guo was furious and said to him, "When my mother-in-law died, she entrusted you to me, not me." Then he grabbed Ping Zi's clothes and tried to hit him with a stick. Ping Zi was so strong that he struggled to escape and jumped out of the window to escape.
Emperor Jin and Yuan still liked to drink after he arrived in Jiangnan. Wang Maohong and Yuan Di have always had a friendship and often advised him with tears in their eyes. Yuan Di finally agreed, so he ordered a glass of wine and gave up drinking.
When Xie Kun was the prefect of Zhang Yu, he went down to Stone Town with the general Wang Dundong. Wang Dun said to Xie Kun, "I can't do that noble thing anymore!" Xie Kun said, "Why do you say such things? As long as from now on, let the previous suspicions be forgotten day by day. " Wang Dun refused to appear in court because of illness. Xie Kun advised him: "Although your recent actions are aimed at protecting the country, the people all over the country still don't understand your true intentions. If you can go to the imperial court to see the son of heaven, let the ministers rest assured that the hearts of all will admire you. To master the will of the people and obey the will of all the people is to serve the monarch humbly. In this way, meritorious service can be equated with a lifetime, and it can also be immortal. " People at that time thought it was a famous saying.
During the Jin Dynasty, Tingwei Zhang Kai lived in a small market. He has a private street gate, which closes early and opens late every day. People nearby were very worried about this matter and went to the state government to complain, but the government refused to accept it; Finally, I got it, and I beat gongs and drums, but I still couldn't get a verdict. Everyone heard that Sikong He Shen came out and went to Pogang, and even complained about him by name. He Xun said, "I was transferred to be a etiquette officer, which has nothing to do with it." The common people kowtowed to him and said, "If the government doesn't care about us, we have no place to complain." He Xun didn't say anything, just told everyone to step down temporarily, saying that when he saw Zhang Tingwei, he would ask for everyone. When Zhang Lu heard about it, he immediately opened the door and personally went to Fangshan to meet He Xun. He Xun showed him his statement and said, "I don't need to ask about this, but I am your family friend and I don't have the heart to throw it away for you." Zhang Lu apologized shamefully and said, "The people had such a request, but they didn't immediately realize that the door had been demolished."
The sword in his later years likes to talk. What he said was neither what he always thought nor conceited. Later, he appeared before the emperor, because Wang Dao, the prime minister, did a lot of regrettable things in his later years. Every time he saw Wang Dao, he tried to persuade him earnestly. Wang Dao knew Chi Jian's intentions and often used other words to distract him. Later, Chi Jian was about to return to the place where he was guarding and take a bus to visit Wang Dao. His beard cocked up and his expression was serious. As soon as he sat down, he said, "We are going to break up soon. I must tell what I see. " He is very complacent and has a strong tone, but his words are particularly inappropriate. Wang Dao corrected the level of his speech, and then said, "There will be no regular meeting in the future. I also want to express my opinion as much as possible, that is, I hope you will not mention this matter again in the future. " Chi Jian was so angry that he left with a cold heart and couldn't say a word.
When Wang Dao, the prime minister, was appointed as the secretariat of Yangzhou, he sent eight departments to serve in various counties. Why did he follow him to the county seat at that time? When he came back, everyone met Wang Dao. It was the minister's turn to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the chiefs, but he didn't speak. Wang Dao asked why: "What did you hear?" Why did he answer: "As a minister of the Ming Dynasty, I would rather let the fish that swallowed the boat slip through the net. How can I search for rumors to promote Qingming politics! " Wang Dao boasted and said yes, and everyone was ashamed.
The Soviets rose up against Shen Chong and asked Lang Lumai, the official department, to go out with him. When Wudi arrived, the Soviet army secretly asked his men to set fire to Nagato to show their military power. Lumai understood the intention of the Soviet army and said to him: "Wu Di just got peace soon, and such a move will lead to riots. If you want to create an excuse for riots, please start the fire from my house. " Su Jun just gave up.
When Lu Wan took office, a guest went to see him and asked him for a glass of wine. When the wine was served, the guests stood up and made a toast on the ground next to the pillar. He wanted to tell him, "You are regarded as a pillar only because you lack good materials. You must never let other people's pillars collapse. " Lu Wan smiled and said, "I remember your advice."
When Yu Yi was working in Jingzhou, he asked his subordinates to meet the Chief Executive at a party: "I want to be like Emperor Gaozu and Wei Wudi. What do you think? " No one dared to answer the full house. At this time, Li Jiang, who has a long history, said, "I hope Gong Ming will follow the example of Qi Huan and Jin Wen, and I don't want you to follow the example of Henkel and Wei Wu."
Luo played for Huan Wen. At that time, Xie Shang, the general of Zhenxi, was appointed as Jiangxia, and Huan Wen sent Luo to Jiangxia to check Xie Shang's work. After Luo arrived in Jiangxia, he never asked about the politics of the county again, and went directly to thank the business community and went back for a few days. Huan Wen asked him what happened in Jiangxia. Luo asked, "I don't know what kind of person you think Xie Shang is?" Huan Wen said: "Renzu is a better person than me." Luo Dao: "Anyone who is better than you can do anything unreasonable, so I don't ask politics at all." Huan Wen thought his idea was strange, so he didn't blame him.
Wang Xizhi, the right general, is friendly with Wang and Xu. After their death, Wang Xizhi's comments on them were even harsher. Kong Yan warned him: "The Ming government used to associate with Wang and Xu, but after their death, they did not have a consistent friendship, which I did not take." Wang Xizhi was ashamed to hear that.
Xie Wan, the commander of the Western Army, was defeated by Shouchun. When he was ready to escape, he had to pay attention to the use of precious jade stirrups. A teacher Xie An followed him in the army and never gave any advice. At this time, I only said: "Where do you need to find this trouble now!"
Wang Da said to Hou Wangxun of Dongting: "I have a good evaluation of you. How can you win a bet with a monk? "
Yin Ji was so ill that people could only see half of him. Yin Zhong, the secretariat of Jingzhou, is about to launch a civil war and bid farewell to Yin Ji. Seeing that he was so ill, he cried and told him to take good care of himself. Yin Ji replied, "My illness will heal itself. I am only worried about your illness! " "
Monk Hui Yuan lives in Lushan Mountain. Although he is old, he still insists on preaching Buddhist scriptures. Some disciples refused to study hard, so Hui Yuan said, "I am like the afterglow of the sunset in the evening, so it is reasonable to say that I won't shine for a long time. I hope you are getting brighter and brighter like the morning sunshine! " So he took the Buddhist scriptures and boarded the pulpit. The chanting is loud and smooth, and his words are very sincere. Gaozu disciples are even more awe-inspiring.
Huan Xuan, Duke of South County, likes hunting. When hunting, there are many horses and chariots, and flags are hung for fifty or sixty miles. A good horse gallops, chasing wild animals like flying; Wherever the flank team goes, no matter the hillside or ravine, it will not avoid it. Sometimes the queue is irregular, or wild animals such as roe deer rabbits escape, and subordinate officials don't tie them up. Duke Huan Daogong is a member of Huan Xuan. At that time, Cao joined the army as a thief and dared to speak out. When hunting, he often ties a red cotton rope around his waist. Huan Xuan asked him, "What is this for?" Daogong replied, "When hunting, I like to tie people up. I will always be tied, afraid that my two hands can't stand the thorn on that thick rope. " From then on, Huan Xuan tied people a little less.
Wang Xu and Wang Guobao colluded with each other, relying on their power to disrupt state affairs together. Wang Da was very dissatisfied with what they did, so he said to Wang Xu, "You did such a rash thing, didn't you consider that one day you would feel honored to be a jailer?"
Huan Xuan wants to build the mansion of a teacher Xie An, and Xie Hun said to him: "Zhao Bo's kindness can still bring benefits to Gan Tang Tree;" Kind and quiet can no longer keep a house of five acres? " Huan Xuan was so ashamed that he stopped talking about it.