Why should I agree to exchange three tyrants a mile away for three tyrants a mile away?
As a father, speaking principles is too extravagant for me! Benjamin Martin
I am the parent. I have no principles.
When you have your own family, you will understand. Benjamin Martin
You will understand when you have your own family.
If I had my own family, I would never hide behind my back. Gabriel Edward Martin.
When I have my own family, I won't hide behind.
You didn't do anything, so don't be ashamed. -Charlotte B.
You have done nothing shameful.
I didn't do anything, so I feel ashamed. Benjamin Martin
I didn't do anything. I'm ashamed of that.
I'm not a child anymore. Gabriel Edward Martin
I'm not a child anymore.
You are my child. Benjamin Martin
You are my child.
The war ended before it started. Benjamin Martin
The battle was over before it started.