The dregs of Confucius and Mencius culture ~ as long as Confucius and Mencius, not the whole Confucianism. Homework is urgent, please ignore it directly.
Wen Tianxiang said: "Confucius said to be benevolent, and Mencius said to take justice." . "Benevolence" and "righteousness" are the core of Confucius and Mencius' thought, and "ceremony" is the foundation of this core. Without "courtesy", there is no righteousness. Confucius and Mencius' "ceremony" is Lao Dan's "Tao". However, Lao Dan never agreed to say so, saying that "heaven and earth are heartless" and that "the avenue is silent" before opening his mouth directly. Confucius and Mencius' "ceremony" is only his fatal wound, which is hardly dross, but a congenital deficiency caused by the limitations of the times. There is such a passage in "University": Know what you know; Knowing it is sincere; Sincerity before righteousness; Put your mind right and practice again; After the body is repaired, the family is clean and tidy; Family harmony, and then national governance; The country rules and the world is at peace. 1, Governor; 2. Be sincere after knowing; 3. Sincerely right; 4. Self-cultivation; 5. Qijia; 6. Governing the country; 7. Level the world. Every sentence is well-behaved, reasonable and completely in line with the requirements of "courtesy". However, to prove that China has a history of more than 2,000 years, those who can achieve the first six items can either be pulled out and shot, or jump into the Miluo River by themselves. Who can go on with the seventh project? In all dynasties, which king leveled the world with "benevolence"? Which powerful minister governs the country with righteousness? Bottom line: Confucius and Mencius' self-seeking ethics and relying on personal conscious self-action will inevitably lead to arbitrariness and laxity of the legal system. Xu Guangqi, a great scholar in the Ming Dynasty, hit the nail on the head and pointed out: "I tried to discuss the rewards and punishments of ancient emperors, the right and wrong of sages, all of which were models of good, and the prohibition of evil was extremely meticulous. But rewarding right and wrong can reach the laity, but not the human feelings. ..... is that the stricter the prevention, the more fraud. One law has many disadvantages. There is a willingness to cure, but there is no cure. "