1, Sunday
English [? s? nde? ] beauty [? s? nde? ]
Sunday, Sunday, the newspaper is published every Sunday, Sunday newspaper
Me? Thoughts? we? Is it possible? Going? For what? Answer? Driving? Open? Sunday.
I think we can go for a drive on Sunday.
2. Week
English [wi? K] beauty [wi? k]
Week, week, week, week, seven days, five days (except Saturday and Sunday)
Me? Had it? Answer? Letter? From where? Mine? Mom? Finally? The first week.
I received a letter from my mother last week.
Extended data:
Monday: Monday, pronunciation ['m? ndi,m? Ndei], English abbreviation Mon.
Tuesday: Tuesday, pronounced ['tju:zdi], abbreviated as Tue.
Wednesday: Wednesday, pronounced as ['wenzdei,' wenzdi], abbreviated as Wed.
On Thursday, pronounce ['θ? : zdi], English abbreviation Thur.
Friday: Friday, pronounced ['fraidi], abbreviated as Fri.
Saturday: Saturday, pronunciation? t? Di], English abbreviation Sat.
Sunday: Sunday, pronunciation? Ndi], English abbreviation Sun.