In my impression, Confucius is probably the greatest man. Confucius, you are the light in my life, guiding me to the light.
Confucius, you are wise and great. At that time, a hundred schools of thought contended. Only you have been with us for more than 2000 years. You traveled through time and space, spreading the wisdom of ancient sages to the world, making the ancient land of China full of vigor and vitality, and letting the younger generation understand the true meaning of life. Your words are also honored as classics!
Tasting you is like swimming in the ocean of wisdom, constantly absorbing the nutrition of the ocean and nourishing my confused mind. You have only a few strokes, but you have taught me the broad mind of "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you"; Teach me the extraordinary learning attitude of "reviewing the past and knowing the new"; Teach me the humble life creed of "not ashamed to ask questions"; Teach me the studious spirit of "three people must have my teacher". Your inculcation is like a bright lamp, which drives away the darkness and leads me to the light!
Well, sometimes you think you are cute and naive, but most of the time, you are a smart person and bring us back on track.
When we feel wronged, it is best to miss you. You will comfort me and heal my heart like a good friend. When I was misunderstood, you told me that "good for evil, good for evil" guides people to be good. When we make mistakes and become arrogant, you warn us that "a life without change is too much." You also told me that "being gentle before being a gentleman" taught me how to be a gentleman ... You are the embodiment of warmth, a good friend around us, infecting everything around you and making everything surrounded by joy. Your words are like bright lights, driving away the darkness of the soul!
Taste your "not as good as meat" a hundred times, just like a spring rain, soothing the weather-beaten and fragile heart! Confucius, you are great and will always light up my heart!
A flower, a grass, a world, a leaf, a bodhi, a pure land and a smile. You are a flower, a blade of grass and a smile in my heart. Confucius, you will always be a bright light, let us "review the past and learn the new"!
Oh! Zhong Ni, light up the world with the wisdom of your sages. ...