therefore, a gentleman is nothing more than being kind to others.
you never tire of learning, and you are wise; Teaching is tireless and benevolent. Benevolence and wisdom, the master is also holy.
a gentleman is not frugal with his relatives.
people will enjoy themselves if they enjoy themselves; People worry about their worries, and people worry about their worries. Joy in the world, worry about the world, but not the king, there is nothing.
hence the saying: either toil or labor; Those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others; The rule of man eats man, and the rule of man eats man, which is universal in the world.
a gentleman is to an animal, seeing his life, he can't bear to see his death; I can't bear to eat its meat when I hear its voice. It is a gentleman who cooks far away.
be born with courtesy; Death, burial with ceremony, sacrifice with ceremony can be described as filial piety.
at that time, this time also.