The little lotus has just revealed its pointed feet, and a dragonfly has already stood on its head. The incense formation soaring into the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is covered with golden armor. It’s not that chrysanthemums are preferred among flowers. There will be no flowers even after all the flowers have bloomed. It fell into mud and was crushed into dust, but only the fragrance remained the same. The plum blossoms are three cents whiter than the snow, but the snow is less fragrant than the plum blossoms. It emerges from the silt without being stained, and washes away the clear ripples without being stained. There is a plum blossom in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone. The garden is full of spring scenery, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall. Peaches and plums do not say anything, but they are a kind of plant that makes thoughts bloom and bear fruit, just like roses blooming on a rose tree and apples on an apple tree.
——Antoine Fabre Dorivi True friendship is a slowly growing plant. The buds-the most important thing is the soil on the head