6. Cultivation of Sentiment When we travel with the desire to return to nature, visit nature, get close to nature, make friends, exercise our body, and increase our knowledge, it is also self-evident that we are also cultivating our sentiments and cultivating our taste. The ancients said: "The benevolent are happy with their mountains, and the wise are happy with their waters." Using mountains and rivers to cultivate sentiment has long been a life pursuit of the ancients. This is what the ancients did, and people today should carry it forward even more.
7. Exercise survival skills. People living in cities cannot just adapt to life in the city. Once they arrive in the wild, they will be at a loss. They do not know edible plants, cannot make fire on the spot, cook their own meals, and cannot identify directions. If you don't have these knowledge that a natural person should have, once you leave the familiar life in the city and go to the wilderness, no matter you have gold or silver, you will face a real survival problem. The fittest will survive, and the unfit will perish. In foreign countries, wilderness survival education is relatively common, and some have courses in elementary schools. Therefore, you need to know something about wilderness travel and survival. On the basis of learning, frequent outdoor activities will help you develop the skills to survive in the wild. Once you are placed in a helpless environment in the wilderness, you will be able to cope with it. No one can guarantee that such a situation will not happen in his life.
8. Pay attention to society and understand the national conditions. In our country, there will be a large gap between urban and rural areas for a long period of time. As people living in the city, we should not only see the environment in which we live, but have no perceptual understanding of the lives of our fellow farmers in the countryside. It is impossible to understand my country's national conditions and not understand the countryside. my country is a large agricultural country, with 90% of the population in rural areas, and there are still many rural people who have not yet solved the problem of food and clothing, and their living conditions are still very poor.
As a Chinese, it is very important to understand our national conditions. Whether working in a government department or in a company, without a correct concept of national conditions, we cannot make correct government decisions and business operations. To understand the national conditions, it is impossible to go to rural areas, especially some poor rural areas. Therefore, when we travel to wild mountain villages, we cannot just care about our own travel life. It is a bad thing to not enter a village when we are there, to visit a village without visiting, to be so far away from our farmer brothers and to be speechless. It is a bad thing. In fact, this is just something you do along the way, and you will gain a better understanding of the national conditions and people's sentiments, as well as some unexpected gains. If we can let our children travel with us to understand and understand our national conditions together, especially in rural areas that are still on the poverty line, we may not need to teach them how to work hard and live frugally with a big bang.
Hope you are satisfied