There is a famous motto: "Truth is born after a hundred question marks." This motto itself is also the truth.
People always respect those who discover the truth, thinking that only geniuses can discover the truth. In fact, it is easy to discover the truth, but it is not easy to say easy. The truth is always around you. Whether you can discover it depends on whether you have a pair of keen eyes, a brain that is good at thinking, and whether you have the courage to persist in exploring the truth.
Throughout the history of science and technology development over thousands of years, the discoverers and founders of theorems, laws, and doctrines are almost always good at seeing problems from small, commonplace natural phenomena and tracing their root causes. Seeking the source, I finally straightened "?" into "!" and found the truth.
Take a bath, for example, this is a very common thing. However, Professor Shepiro, the chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, keenly noticed that every time the bath water is drained, the vortex of the water always rotates counterclockwise. Why is this? Shepiro clung to this question mark and conducted repeated experiments and research. In 1962, he published a paper arguing that this kind of vortex is related to the rotation of the earth. If the earth stopped rotating, this kind of vortex would not be produced. Since the earth keeps rotating from west to east, and the United States is in the northern hemisphere, the bath water will flow in the opposite direction. Rotate clockwise, and the typhoon in the northern half also rotates counterclockwise. The principle is the same as the whirlpool of bath water. He also asserted that if in the Southern Hemisphere a whirlpool of bathwater would spin clockwise, at the equator no vortex would form. His insights aroused great interest among scientists from various countries. They conducted experiments in various places, and the results proved that Shepiro's conclusion was completely correct.
Nothing is unique. More than 60 years ago, a biologist named Michelson discovered that there was a kind of earthworm in the east coast of the United States and the west coast of Europe at the same latitude, but there was no such earthworm on the west coast of the United States. why is that? This question attracted the attention of German geologist Wegener, who was studying the origin of continents and coasts at the time. Wegener believed that the tiny earthworm had limited mobility and could not cross the ocean. Its distribution just showed that the European continent and the American continent were originally connected together, but later split into two continents. He included the geographical distribution of earthworms as one of the examples in his famous book "The Origin of Continents and Oceans".
The most interesting thing is an Austrian doctor. When he saw his son sleeping, his eyes suddenly started to move. He felt strange and quickly woke up his son. The son said that he had just had a dream. The doctor wondered if the rolling of the eyeballs was related to dreaming? So he used his son, wife, and neighbors as experimental subjects, conducted repeated observation experiments, and finally wrote a paper, pointing out that when a person's eyeballs move, it means that the sleeper is dreaming. Nowadays, when people study the physiology of dreams, they use the number and time of eyeball movements to measure the number and length of dreams.
The whirlpool of bath water, the distribution of earthworms, and the movement of eyeballs while sleeping are all commonplace things. However, those who are good at "breaking the casserole and asking the truth" will make discoveries, inventions, creations and progress.
In the history of science, are there more than three such examples? It shows that science is not mysterious and the truth is not far away. As long as you know the subtleties, then after you answer a hundred question marks, you will be able to discover the truth.
To use facts to discuss, as long as you are good at observation and keep asking questions , if you persevere in pursuing the root cause, you can discover the truth in real life