The second half of the sentence "A true gentleman is silent in wine" is a gentleman with a clear sense of wealth.
Since the ancient China invented wine as a drink, wine culture has been continuously passed down and developed. Today, Chinese people continue the tradition of drinking at the dinner table, but it becomes a happy thing on festive days. There is no true gentleman in the wine, and the meaning of the words is also very obvious. It is the true gentleman who will talk nonsense when drinking wine. Why do you say that? Because wine contains alcohol, it is easy to get dizzy after drinking wine. Pay attention to what you don't usually say and do something you don't usually do. After drinking wine, a gentleman will not say something he shouldn't say under the influence of alcohol. It was the gentleman who did it. In fact, I have the same idea as cautious independence. When I am alone, I can't guarantee that I won't do indulgent behavior, and learn self-discipline and self-management. That's what a gentleman does.
The next sentence of this common saying is, it is wise to be a gentleman financially. In ancient times, a gentleman regarded money as dirt. Whether in modern or ancient times, money involves interests, but it can ignore the charm of money and not haggle over property. It is a real gentleman.
in ancient Confucianism, money was very despised. So it is our daily necessities, so this is very contradictory. Since money is indispensable, our attitude towards money is also very important. Only by keeping a sober attitude towards money, do not use money to do illegal things, nor accept ill-gotten gains. Such a person is a real gentleman.
these two sentences reflect the ancient people's views on wine and wealth, and also provide warning quotes for our modern times.