‘ Children are filial and obedient; ministers are loyal and the country is peaceful. ’ ‘The country is upright and the people’s hearts are at ease; the officials are pure and the people are at peace. ’ ‘A virtuous wife brings few disasters; a son is filial to his father and has a generous heart. ’ ‘It doesn’t matter if the family is harmonious and poor; how about being unkind and wealthy. ’ ‘The home is transformed into the sunshine of the world; people are in the rain and dew of Yao’. ‘Respect the ancestors for long life and wealth; be filial to the parents and fill the house with gold and jade. ’ ‘There have been many infatuated parents since ancient times; who has ever seen filial children and grandchildren? ’ ‘Parents who tolerate filial piety from their children will have a high reputation. ’ ‘It is noble to be benevolent in a family; to be filial to others who are good at all things’. ’ ‘The country is rich and the people are happy; the family is harmonious and everything is prosperous. ’ ‘To be filial, one should do one’s best; to be loyal, one should do one’s best. ’