There is a gold medal hanging in the hall and an affidavit at home.
Eight directions * * * domain, different surnames.
In the past, Wu Dong was a great event, and he was appointed as Zhou Lang; Lu later replaced it; After the death of Amethyst, it was decided in Lv Ziming; Today, although Zi Ming fell, Lu Boyan is still in Jingzhou. Although this man is a Confucian scholar, he is really talented and not under Zhou Lang. Before I attacked Guan Yu, all my plans were based on Bo Yan. If the Lord can use it, I will break Shu. If I lose or lose, I am willing to share the blame.
Do your best until you die.
That is an old saying,' If you catch a thief, you will see the filth, but if you kill a person, you will see the wound.'
The ancients said,' Burn yourself, sweep separately, and the bees sting your arms, and take off your clothes at once'-exactly:' Don't burn incense in a hurry'
The three armed forces have no merit, and some are guilty; If you are rewarded, it is not clear whether the Prime Minister will reward you. Please send it to the library, and it is not too late to send it to the army this winter.
Heaven and earth show the essence of evil, and the humanistic environment blends with the beauty of Ling Jie.
Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "eating prevents choking and walking prevents falling".
Blood-stained robes are red, who dares to compete with Japan! In ancient times, Zhao Zilong was the only one who rushed to help the young master.
-Exactly:' There are no thousands of days for people, and there are no red days for flowers'.
What will happen to you if you don't come out of the mountain?
I have read thousands of classics, and I have been extremely smart all my life.
Cross the crane shadow in the cold pond, and Leng Yue buries the flower soul.
As the saying goes,' murder is excusable, but reason is intolerable'-it turns out that this color is the most frightening. If she has a heart for you, she won't be afraid even with a sword and fire. She is heartless to you, you sit in the pile of gold and silver, and she ignores you. As the saying goes,' beauty is interested in the village man, and beauty is not interested in the prodigal village'.