1. Hegel never said this sentence, nor did he say "existence is reasonable." I don't know where you heard it. Hegel said in the preface to "Principles of Legal Philosophy": Was vernünftig ist, das ist wirklich; und was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig. The English translation is: What is rational is actual; and what is actual is rational. Fan Yang , Zhang Qitai translated it as: Everything that is rational is realistic; everything that is realistic is rational. Later, Hegel mentioned this sentence again in "Outline of the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences, Part I: Logic" (commonly known as "Little Logic"). Fan and Zhang's translation is consistent with He Lin's translation of "Little Logic", which should be Reference is made to He. Xue Hua, a student of He Lin, translated it as: That is reasonable, this is realistic; and that is realistic, this is reasonable. The English translation is the most intuitive. Hegel did not mention "existence" at all! Moreover, rational does not mean "reasonable" in Chinese at all. "rational" also means logical in Hegel's philosophy.
2. Among all the people who know this sentence, I believe that more than 99 people not only do not know the accurate translation, but also do not know that it also has the first half of the sentence (everything that is rational is reality) ), thus causing misunderstanding, and the second half of the sentence is often used as an excuse for the fait accompli. The first half of the sentence at least means that "anything that is rational will become a reality."
3. "Reasonable" in Chinese mostly refers to "correct", while Hegel's "rational" refers to "that which can be understood and explained by reason." (German vernünftig can be literally translated as "rational".)
4. "Realistic" and "existential" are fundamentally different. The latter has a wider scope, and the former specifically refers to things that only operate in the "absolute idea" Things that can only exist in history are unified with "inevitable", while "accidental" things can "exist" but are not "realistic".
5. The key to understanding this sentence is to understand the meaning of the words "vernünftig" (rational) and "wirklich" (actual), and translate the former as "reasonable" and the latter as "actual" "Existence" is completely finished!
6. I personally dare not say that I understand this sentence, so I suggest you read "Principles of Legal Philosophy" (Business, page 11), "Little Logic" (Business, page 43), and There is this URL:
His statement is not accurate, but it can help you eliminate bias.
7. Philosophy is most opposed to giving examples... Most people think that philosophy is the most abstract, and Hegel thinks that philosophy is the most concrete. But in any case, it is not "concrete" in our general sense, so it is difficult to give examples. It’s not easy to analyze it from multiple angles. I think, except for He Lin, Liang Zhixue, Yang Zutao and others, no one in our country dares to say the words "thorough explanation" and "in-depth analysis"!