2. Ceng Zi said, "I check myself many times every day: Do I try my best to plan things for others? Is it honest and trustworthy to associate with friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? "
3. Confucius said, "I became interested in learning when I was fifteen. At the age of thirty, I can do things independently. At the age of forty, I don't have to be confused by foreign things. At the age of fifty, I can know what human resources can't control. Sixty years old, I can listen to different opinions. At the age of 70, you can do whatever you want without overstepping the bounds. "
4. Confucius said: "If you review what you have learned, you can gain new understanding and experience, then you can become a teacher (of others) by virtue of this."
5. Confucius said: "Learning without thinking will make you feel confused and at a loss; Dreaming without studying will damage the spirit. "
6. Confucius said, "How virtuous, Yan Hui! A bowl of rice, a ladle of water, living in a humble alley, others can't stand this kind of poverty and poverty, but Yan Hui doesn't change his (hobby of learning) fun. How virtuous, Yan Hui! "
7. Confucius said: "People who know how to learn are not as good as those who like to learn; People who love learning can't compare with those who enjoy learning. "
8. Confucius said, "Eating coarse grains, drinking cold water, and sleeping with your arms on your pillow are also fun. Wealth and status gained by improper means are like clouds in the sky to me. "
9. Confucius said, "Among many people, one must be my teacher. I choose his strengths and learn from him. If I find his weakness (if I have it), I will correct my own shortcomings. "
10, Confucius said on the riverbank: "The passing time is like running water, day and night."
1 1, Confucius said: "The commander-in-chief of the army can change, but the ambition of the people cannot change.