Cao Jiao drank a glass of hot wine with Guan Gong and got on his horse. Guan Gong said: "Pour down the wine, and I'll come back when I'm gone." He went out of the tent, picked up his knife, and jumped on his horse. All the princes heard the loud beating of drums and loud shouts outside the pass, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was falling, and the mountains were shaking.
Everyone was shocked. Just as he was about to inquire, at the sound of the luan bell, the horse arrived at the center of the army. Yun Chang picked up Hua Xiong's head and threw it to the ground. ——The wine is still warm. (Guan Yunchang warmed the wine and beheaded Hua Xiong) I saw Lu Bu coming out of the battle: wearing a purple gold crown with three prongs on his head, a Xichuan red brocade hundred-flower robe on his body, a serial armor with an animal face and a swallowing head, and an exquisite lion tied to his waist. Man belt; carrying bow and arrows, holding a halberd in hand, sitting down with a red rabbit horse neighing in the wind:
It is indeed "Lu Bu among men, and red rabbit among horses"! There was a general beside him with round eyes, an upside-down tiger beard, and eight snake spears straightened out. He shouted on Pegasus: "Slave of the three surnames, don't leave! Zhang Fei from Yan is here!" Lu Bu saw After that, he abandoned Gongsun Zan and fought against Zhang Fei. Fei cheered up and fought fiercely with Lu Bu. There are more than fifty consecutive fights, with no winner or loser. When Yun Chang saw him, he slapped his horse, danced with the eighty-two-jin Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and came to attack Lu Bu from both sides. Three martins fight. When the battle reaches thirty, Lu Bu cannot be defeated. Liu Xuande drew his double-stranded sword and suddenly turned yellow
The mane horse stabbed Xiali to help in the battle. These three surrounded Lu Bu and fought like a lantern. All eight people were stunned.
Lu Bu was uncertain about the barriers. He looked at Xuande's face and stabbed Xuande sharply. Lu Bu swung the horns of the formation, drew his halberd backwards, and Pegasus returned. The three of them were willing to give up, and they rushed over. The Eighth Route Army troops and horses shouted loudly, and they all covered up the enemy. Lu
Bu Jun rushed to Guan Guan; Xuande, Guan and Zhang came later. The ancients once had a speech about Xuande, Guan, and Zhang San's battle with Lu Bu:
When Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty was born, the scorching red sun was about to fall to the west.
The treacherous minister Dong Zhuo deposed the young emperor, and Liu Xie was cowardly and frightened.
Cao Cao sent a message to the world, and all the princes became angry and raised troops.
It was proposed to appoint Yuan Shao as the leader of the alliance, vowing to help the royal family achieve peace.
Wenhou Lvbu was incomparable in the world, and his talents were praised all over the world.
The body is protected by silver armor built with dragon scales, and the hair is tied with a gold crown and a hairpin tail.
The beasts with jagged treasure belts swallowed them up, and the scattered brocade robes flew up.
The dragon pony rides on the sky wind, and the painted halberd shines brightly in the autumn water.
Who dares to stand in the way of a fight? The princes were frightened and frightened.
Zhang Yide from Yan came out, holding a snake spear eight feet long.
The tiger's beard turned upside down and turned over the golden thread, and its eyes opened with electric light.
The fierce battle failed to determine the outcome, and Guan Yunchang was angry in front of the formation.
The green dragon's sword shines in the frost and snow, and the parrot's shirt flies in the gorge.
Horse hooves are howling everywhere, and the current anger should bleed.
The heroic Xuande wields his two swords and exerts his might to show his bravery.
The three of them fought around each other for a long time, blocking each other without stopping.
The shouts shook the heaven and earth, and the murderous aura filled Niu Douhan.
Lu Buli was looking for a way to walk, looking at his family mountain in the distance and patting his horse back.
Drag the painting pole upside down and sell the golden and colorful flags indiscriminately.
The velvet strips are suddenly broken and the red rabbit walks away, turning over and flying up to Hulao Pass.
These are the more famous plots in Chapter 5. If you are looking for famous quotes, there should be some more reliable ones here: Lu Bu among men, red rabbit among horses