Ethan is a lonely boy. When he was a few years old, he passed by the library and cried. The teacher said, "Why is the boy crying?" Words: "The lonely are vulnerable, and the poor are vulnerable. People who write books, scholars and relatives. First, I hope he is not lonely, and second, I hope he studies, and the center is sad, so he cries. " The teacher said sadly, "I want to study!" " Words: "No money." The teacher said, "If the boy is ambitious, I will teach him for free." So I wrote a book. In winter, I recited the Book of Filial Piety and The Analects of Confucius.
Ethan lost his father when he was young. When he was a few years old, he passed the bookstore and couldn't help crying. The teacher in the bookstore asked him, "Why do children cry?" Li Yuan replied: "Orphans are easy to grieve, and the poor are easy to grieve. Those who learn and can learn must be children with parents. I envy that they are not alone and that they can go to school. I feel sad inside, so I cry. The teacher said piteously, "Come if you want to study!" "Tang gaozu entered the school and studied very hard. One winter, I became familiar with The Book of Filial Piety and The Analects of Confucius.