Chivalry is a clip, benevolence is on the left, righteousness is on the right, the sky is gray on the head and the mud is under the feet. Because of love, so hate, because of goodness, so sadness, because of success and failure, so help the weak and help the poor, because there is no way in the world, so it is forbidden to use force.
Hate bitterness, bitterness, anger, anger, kindness, filial piety, shame and honesty. Therefore, if you hate others, you will gain benevolence. If you don't love them, you won't complain If you are not kind, you will have no sorrow. If you are filial, you will suffer. If you hate them, you will be ashamed. If you are just, you will be angry and honest. There are seven hardships in heaven and earth, and seven unique human feelings, so giving up the heart of good and evil can be called the sword god.
"Tell you this group of ignorant people! We students just want to make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, link the past with the future, and make the world peaceful! These four things are all in my life, although I have no regrets! "
Kunlun sword blood stained Wang Yang, flooding the Yellow River thousands of miles.
The right path is the right thing. Before the big right and wrong, it was not the size of a fist or the number of people. Neither the emperor nor the people can despise me.
To fix the existence of the king, life cannot make him happy, and death cannot make him afraid. The living do not love life, and life is not life. The dead are not afraid of death, and death is not death. Only in this way can all things stop fighting and there will be a day of rest in reincarnation. May all the sins of heaven and earth be mine.
"What kind of woman is the most beautiful in your heart?" "Other people's wives are the most beautiful."
May I be a swordsman again in the next life!
Government, government, it makes life difficult. It manages marriage, collects land rent by the way, and sells goods and houses at the same time, giving it control over Buddhism, Taoism, vulgarity, common people, intellectuals, industry and commerce, from south to north and from west to east. In short, as long as people live, animals just shit, and everything is subject to the government. Strange to say, the government manages everything in the world, but only one thing. "Damn it!" Wang Yitong was so angry that tears came out: "Do you really care if I am dead or alive?"
What Confucianism and chivalry wholeheartedly guard is not for the national criminal law, nor for the homesickness custom, but for the humanity in the Three Cardinals and the Five Permanent Principles. But their skirts were stained with blood, and they tried their best, but in the end they could only collapse here, crying gently and smiling bitterly. Lost life, disappointed world, poor famine kills people, wild animals eat people, but people are the best killers in the world. Self-reliance is everyone's wish, because it's all our own fault. Who needs sadness and who needs voice?
What is a hero?
Outstanding people are called' English', and long talents are not born in the world. You can learn something first, understand it clearly, stand out from the crowd, and get its English words.
Hero! Son preference, surname Qian, ambition in Kyushu, swallowing the sea, knowing people and accommodating them, accommodating them and reusing them. All heroes in the world, regardless of gender, are willing to accept their wives, so domineering, I have to respect their' men'!
The master has a saying:' If people are kind, they want to be successful'. From the heart, stop at the line, and you can be close to benevolence.
Benevolent, two people also. The thing between two people is' benevolence'. Everything is for another person, that is, from the heart. Everything you do is for the good of others, that is, stop at the line. Both of them are prepared, but they seem to be different.
The sky is grey and the earth is coming. Why not save all souls? The hero will die in the middle of the year and cry speechless? I cried from the horizontal knife, and I was infatuated with loyalty and loneliness. Don't let our generation know the fate.
The light will not go out, the darkness will not come, the shura will not come, and the South War Department will not be buried. "
Diet owes spring, white water can live; Grind stones and hemp powder, and decimeter can satisfy hunger.
"Did you hear that! As long as I think of one thing, Qin Zhonghai will secretly laugh at night, even if I stab ten more words and break a leg, I think it's worth it! That's ... "Seeing everyone dumbfounded, he suddenly spread out his hands and shouted word for word:" That is, Qin Zhonghai won't have to kneel in this life! "
Qin Zhonghai stood in the audience and continued: "Think about it! No matter how you guys study and practice martial arts, you still have to kneel in your life! But if you want a bite of food, you have to keep your head so low. Would you like to? We are all human beings, and those thieves can be high and bossy as long as they are reincarnated. You are full of knowledge and martial arts, but you have to be scared day and night, and you have to swallow it. This life is like rolling around in a pig farm. Even if you have money, what's the taste! Come on! Learn from me, be ambitious, burn your anger, and fight and kill. What can you do? " As he spoke, he burst out laughing and the angry people cheered loudly.