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Political quotes from The Analects of Confucius.

Confucius said: "A country with a thousand chariots should respect things and be trustworthy, be frugal and love others, so that the people can take advantage of them."

Confucius said: "Government should be based on virtue, such as Beichen, living in its place, all the stars are attracted by it. "Zhang Xueqianlu. Confucius said: "If you hear many doubts and doubts, be careful in what you say, you will have few regrets; if you see many doubts, be careful in doing other things, you will have few regrets. If you speak few words, you will have few regrets in actions, and therein lies the fortune." "

Ai Gong asked: "What can be done to make the people obey?" Confucius replied: "If you raise the straight and wrong, the people will obey; if you raise the straight and wrong, the people will obey."

"Ji Kangzi asked: "What is the best way to persuade people to be respectful and loyal?" Confucius said: "If you approach them with dignity, you will be respectful; if you are filial, you will be loyal.

"If you can't do good deeds, then you can encourage them." Zi Gong said: "If you can give to the people and help everyone, how can you call it benevolence?" Confucius said: "What is benevolent?"

Huh! Yao and Shun were all the same! Those who were benevolent wanted to establish themselves and others; if they wanted to achieve something by themselves, they could learn from others. This can be said to be the way to be benevolent. Being rude but unruly will lead to fatigue, being cautious but unruly will lead to chaos, being brave but unruly will lead to chaos, and being straight and rude will lead to strangulation. Then the people will not steal." In fact, the Analects of Confucius has many famous sayings about politics. It is believed that the Analects of Confucius is originally a collection of Confucius' thoughts on how to conduct one's life and settle down one's family and govern the country. Here are just a few.