Confucius said: the saints are overwhelming, the sun and the moon shine, the yin and yang are harmonious, and the four modernizations, all things are different, all things are strange, all things are rare, and there are no relatives. Therefore, people who can learn from heaven are different in different places and places. Therefore, there are many things to do and there is no way. Therefore, people who fight are light or heavy, greedy or cheap. The four are opposites and cannot be integrated. Light people want to make a fortune, heavy people want to stop, greedy people want to take it, and cheap people are unfavorable. Therefore, the brave can make them enter the door without demanding, the serious can make them stick to it and not bully the enemy, the greedy can make them take it, regardless of wealth, the sincere can make them keep their points and not make them enterprising, the believers can make them keep their promises and not respond, and the saints can make the best use of them. There is nothing in heaven and earth, and yin and yang do not have the same kind, so the sea does not let the current make it big, and the mountain material does not let it scratch and worship. The sage is famous for his unpaid words. A husband keeps a corner, keeps ten thousand squares, takes one, abandons the rest, gains little, and treats it shallowly.
Note: Wen Zi thinks that a saint can leave no one behind, so he can shine everywhere like the sun and the moon, so that everything can be born of yin and yang, and all things can be killed in four seasons. They treat everything equally, without any difference, so they are all taken care of by saints, regardless of age or distance. Therefore, people who can imitate the way of heaven and earth should know that heaven is not only a season, but also a material. People can not only do one thing, but also have a talent. Therefore, people's jobs and occupations are diverse, and people's development has unlimited possibilities. Therefore, people who are good at fighting can distinguish those who use different personalities, those who are frivolous, those who value profits, those who are greedy, or those who are honest. Because these four personalities are just the opposite, we can't generalize. Lighter people are anxious, heavier people are conservative, greedy people are motivated, and honest people do not consider their own interests. Therefore, reckless and brave people can make them become pioneers by surprise, but they can't hold their ground. Those who are cautious and persistent can make them stick to it, but they can't let it run in surprise. People who are greedy and fierce can plunder them, but they cannot share their wealth. Honest and trustworthy people can make them stick to their posts, but they can't be enterprising. Honest and wise people can make them master military discipline and orders, but they cannot make them improvise. Therefore, heaven and earth are not confined to one thing, and all things multiply. Yin and Yang are not only harmonious, but endowed with everything. Because of this, Jianghai spared no effort to make the small water converge into a big stream, and Shancai spared no effort to make the futile scratching song its worship. The sages spared no effort to make the words of negative salary widely known. If you just guard a corner, leaving the masses in all directions behind, focusing on one thing and ignoring everything else, then the virtue and achievements that this person can accumulate are very limited, and the truth that this person can know seems to be too shallow and limited.
There is a saying: follow the road, adhere to one, accumulate, be appropriate and natural.
Heaven is omnipotent, and saints can communicate with Tao. Therefore, they have a lot of ability to do great things, and only when they are thick should they be considerate. Those who know the heavens and the earth are also saints, and those who get the Tao are also. So they see big things clearly and know big things rationally. Heaven's tolerant people are saints, and the Tao is great. Therefore, if they are tolerant, they will get together and be more British and virtuous. Therefore, only saints can distinguish between things and talents, make people make good use of them, make people's wisdom, make people's strength and make people's ability. Therefore, although the world is big and all-encompassing, the wealth and goods are huge, everything is inclusive, and there are many people who support everything. Although things are complicated and all-encompassing, the world admires longevity.
Everything in the world has power, and success or failure is inevitable. The boy has a saying: the snow is small, the mountain is high, and it collapses in the valley; Although the water drop is small, it stands at the head of the Tao, and its roar breaks the soul. Therefore, people who can make good use of their potential will make great achievements, and those who can make good use of their potential at the right time will succeed. Therefore, people with high status have great power, and people with great wealth are arrogant because of their potential. Human nature is the same. Those who make good use of people will show their goodness, their abilities and their hearts. Therefore, those who are serious will hold on to it, those who are light will attack it in a hurry, those who are greedy will attack it and plunder it, those who are sincere will inspect it and supervise it, and those who are trustworthy will hold the center of Cardinal Town, making it good at its own strengths.
If people don't practice, they can't accumulate, practice the virtue of Tao, the righteousness of benevolence, the propriety of owners, sincerity, honesty, simplicity, greed for profit, selfishness of desire, comfortable death and worry. Therefore, a gentleman will not be reasonable without self-study, and there will be no morally righteous person. Those who make a mickle make a mickle, don't hesitate to make it small, and those who are just beginning to learn, aim high. Therefore, in a word, the sea is big in the stream, the mountain is high in the soil, and the sage's virtue is humble and generous; To put it bluntly, the sky covers everything and makes it vast, and the earth carries everything and makes it profound and heavy. Sages educated all people, making it a benign future and making great contributions to the future. Yan Huang's legacy continues to this day.