You should find the basic elements of a sentence.
Such as subject, predicate and object
Then look for the modified ingredients.
Such as adverbial and attributive
Finally, the tense and special usage of the sentence are analyzed.
Question 2: How to analyze the sentence composition, part of speech and sentence composition of an English sentence?
syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech
The smallest language unit that can be used freely is called a word. The classification of words according to their forms, meanings and functions in sentences is called parts of speech.
English words are usually divided into ten categories, namely nouns, articles, pronouns, numerals, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. They are now described as follows:
(1) noun
Nouns are names that represent a person, a thing, a place or an abstract concept. For example:
Foreigners soap foreigners soap Newton Newton
Law, law, freedom, freedom and peace
English nouns can be divided into two categories:
1。 A noun is the name of a certain kind of person, thing, substance or abstract concept. For example:
Teacher's Market Teacher's Market Rice
Produced by sound magazine.
2。 Propnoun is the name of a specific person, place or institution. The first letter of proper nouns must be
Capitalize. For example:
Hemingway Hemingway Russia
New york United Nations United Nations.
Nouns can be divided into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns can be singular or plural. The plural form of most nouns is formed by adding -s or -es after singular nouns. For example:
Shop → Shop Bus → Bus Bus Library → Library Library
Toys → Toy leaves → Leaves → Leaves
The plural forms of some nouns in English are irregular. For example:
People → people's teeth → people's teeth and teeth standards → data.
Please refer to the relevant English grammar books for the specific rules of the plural form of nouns.
(2) Articles
The article is placed before the noun to help explain the object the noun refers to. Articles can be divided into indefinite articles and definite articles.
The indefinite article is a/an, which is used before singular nouns to indicate "one" of a certain kind of person or thing. A is used before nouns that start with consonants, and an is used before nouns that start with vowels. For example:
A hotel, a hotel, an opportunity.
A double room, a double room and a useful book.
An exhibition of an honest man
There is only one article, that is, the, which means one or several of a certain kind of people or things. Can be used before singular or plural nouns, and can also be used before uncountable nouns. For example:
TV programs, those TV programs, the house, the house.
Olympic Games
(3) Pronouns
Pronouns are words used to refer to people or things. Pronouns include:
1。 Personal pronouns, such as: I, you, them, it, etc.
2。 Pronouns of the owner, such as: mine, his, theirs, ours, mine, hers, etc.
3。 Reflexive pronouns, such as: self, self, self, self, self, etc.
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Question 3: English sentence structure analysis is 5 points, which is translated as: what kind can (this person) be classified into? If the assets exceed $4,000, this person will be listed as the richest half in the world. I think it's better to use richer ones here, after all, there are only two halves. ) With assets over 75,000 dollars, this person can be classified as the richest person in the world 10%.
Question 4: How to analyze the sentence structure as subject+predicate+object+complement,
Something helps someone to do something.
Strong teeth (subject) help you (predicate) chew food (complement)
Ask me if you don't understand.
"Who said this? Who said it?