The original text and translation of Mozi's "Shangxian" are as follows:
Zi Mozi said: "Today, the princes and adults who govern the country all want the wealth of the country and the people. But if you don't get rich you get poor, if you don't get a lot you get few, if you don't get control you get chaos, then you lose what you want and get what you want." Zi Mozi said. Said: "When princes and adults govern the country, they cannot govern by advocating virtuous people. If the country has many virtuous people, the governance of the country will be strong; if there are few virtuous people, the governance of the country will be weak. Therefore, Sir The task will be done by all the virtuous people."
Mozi said: "Now the emperor, princes, and nobles who govern the country hope that the country will be rich, the people will be large, and the criminal law and political stability will be stable. . However, if the country cannot become rich, it will become poor, if the people cannot increase, it will decrease, and if the criminal law and politics cannot be stable, it will lead to chaos. That is basically losing what they want and getting what they hate. What is the reason? "
Mozi said: "This is because the emperor, princes, and nobles who govern the country cannot respect the wise and appoint capable people to participate in politics. Therefore, the country has too many capable people. Then the stability of the country will increase; if the number of talented people decreases, the stability of the country will decrease. Therefore, the efforts of those in power will only increase the number of talented people."
The significance of the idea of ??“respecting the worthy”:
The idea of ??“respecting the worthy” is an important part of Mozi’s social and political theory. Mozi believed that "respecting the worthy" is the basis for managing a country, and the key to the success or failure of a country lies in its employment of people. He said: "If a country has many virtuous people, the country's governance will be strong; if there are few virtuous people, the country will be weak. Therefore, the duties of a great man will only depend on the virtuous people." Mozi's thought of "respecting the worthy" is an important part of Mozi's social and political theory and an important part of the ideological and cultural treasure house of traditional Chinese talent management.
In particular, his views on talent, talent selection and "enabling" ideas still have important reference value in today's corporate talent management. At the same time, its idea of ??"valuing the virtuous" is also of great significance in strengthening talent awareness, building a harmonious society, and curbing personnel corruption. There are many expositions sparkling with wisdom in Mozi's thought of "valuing the worthy". Studying and learning from them will help our enterprises broaden their business horizons and expand their business ideas to better cope with challenges and opportunities.