Original text:
Oh Gong Jin, unfortunately died young! Wouldn't it hurt people if they shorten the old heaven? My heart is really aching, so I have a glass of wine. You have a spirit, please enjoy it with me! To encourage the king to learn from a young age, to hand over the talisman to the uncle; to show justice and spread wealth, to make sacrifices for the people. Hanging the king's crown is weak, but thousands of miles of power are rolling; establishing hegemony and separatist rule in the south of the Yangtze River. The emperor is strong and powerful, and Baqiu is far away.
The emperor's abundance makes him a good match for Xiao Qiao; the son-in-law of a Han minister is worthy of his dynasty; he has the spirit of the emperor and accepts advice and advice; he does not droop his wings at first, but he can finally lift them up. To hang the king of Poyang, Jiang Qian came to speak.
Ugh Gongjin! Farewell to life and death! I keep my chastity, and my soul is as if it has a spirit. From now on, there will be no sound in the world! Oh, what a pain! Fu Wei is still delicious.
Vernacular translation:
Oh Gong Jin, unfortunately died young! I was shocked to hear the bad news, heartbroken! When I hear that you have passed away, the rivers are stagnant. When I hear that you have passed away, the stars and the moon have no light! If you have a spirit, listen to my cry. If you have a spirit, enjoy my steaming. ?
To encourage you to learn from a young age, and to hand over Bofu; to create a hegemonic career and to shock Sanjiang. Diao Jun is young and strong, and he is far away from Baqiu; he can command thousands of troops and fight against rebellion without any worries. The gentleman's demeanor is a good match for Xiao Qiao; the couple is virtuous and has good stories.
Liang is not talented, but he begs for advice and helps Wu resist Cao. Assisting Han An and Liu, supporting the horns, and supporting them from head to tail. If you live or die, why worry? Oh Gongjin, life and death will never be separated, the world is boundless, and the world is confused. The soul is like a spirit, to detect my heart. From now on, where will the world's best friend be?
Source: From Chapter 57 of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" "Wolong mourns at Chaisangkou, Director Fengchu of Leiyang County".
Extended information:
Story background:
Zhou Yu, the governor of Soochow in ancient times, was proficient in the art of war and had extraordinary intelligence, but his stomach was too small to accommodate people. He and Zhuge Liang discussed together to defeat Cao's plan, but he also wanted to harm Zhuge Liang. When Zhou Yu attacked Nanjun, he was poisoned by an arrow. When Zhuge Liang took advantage of the chaos and used a plan to capture Nanjun, Jingzhou, and Xiangyang first, Zhou Yu became angry and suffered an arrow injury again.
The sick Zhou Yu still wanted to outsmart Jingzhou, but Zhuge Liang saw through it all. Zhou Yu was angry again and again, and died in the resentful voice of "If you are to give birth to Yu, how can you give birth to Liang?" Zhuge Liang learned of Zhou Yu's death and decided to go to express his condolences.
Lu Su hosted a banquet in honor of Kong Ming. After the banquet, Kong Ming resigned and returned. Just as he was about to get off the boat, he saw a man by the river wearing a bamboo crown, soap ribbons and plain shoes. He grabbed Kong Ming with one hand and laughed and said, "You are so angry with Zhou Yu that you come to pay filial piety. You are obviously bullying no one in Soochow!"
< p>Kong Ming looked at this person, it was Mr. Fengchu Pang Tong. Kong Ming also laughed. The two boarded the boat hand in hand and shared their concerns. Kong Ming then left a letter to Pang Tong, saying: "I predict that Sun Zhongmou will not be able to reuse his subordinates. If you are not satisfied, you can come to Jingzhou to help Xuande. This man is generous and kind, and he will live up to what he has learned in his life." Pang Tong agreed and said goodbye, and Kongming returned to Jingzhou.