DD-522 Lusi Lusi 1942 1945.5.4 was sunk by Kamikaze Special Forces in Okinawa, and DD-534 McChord was disintegrated in McChord 1943 1974.
DD-677 mcdermott mcdermott 1943 1966 disintegrated.
DD-678 mcgowan mcgowan 1943 1960 was transferred to Spain and renamed Jorge Juan. 1987 disintegration DD-575 McKee 1943 1974 disintegration DD-679 mcnair mcnair 1943 1976 disintegration DD-676 Marshall 1 943/kloc-. 943 1970 disintegration Lemaire 1943 1975 disintegration DD-798 Monson 1944 1963 disintegration.
DD-560 Morrison Morrison 1943 1945.5.4 was sunk by Kamikaze Special Forces in Okinawa.
DD-528 Mullany Mullany19431sold to Taiwan Province Province and renamed Qingyang, and DD-576 Murray19431966 disintegrated.
DD-586 newcomb newcomb 1943 1947 Disintegration DD-449 Nicholas 1942 1970 Disintegration.
DD-690 Norman·Scott Norman·Scott 1943 1973 disintegrated.
DD-536 Owen 1943 1973 disintegrated.
DD-590 Paul Hamilton Paul Hamilton 1943 1970 Disintegration DD-498 Philip 1942 1 year Disintegration DD-685 Pipijin 1943 1976 Disintegration DD.
DD-682 porterfield porterfield 1943 1976 sank as a target ship.
DD-795 Preston Preston 1944 1969 was transferred to Turkey and renamed Icel. DD-56 1 pritchett19441was dissolved in1.
DD-499 Renshaw Renshaw19421970 disintegrated.
DD-664 Richard P. Leary Richard P. Leary/KOOC-0/944/KOOC-0/959 was transferred to Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and renamed as "Shiyu", and/KOOC-0/976 was dissolved DD-500 Ringing Gold/KOOC-0/942/KOOC-0. On 198 1, it was sold to Greece and renamed as Kim11993. It disintegrated DD-562 Robinson 1944 1982 and sank as a target ship.
DD-804 rooksrox19441962 was transferred to Chile and renamed Cochrane. 1983 disintegrated DD-563 Ross19441978 and sank as a target ship DD-564 Rowe/Kloc.
DD-465 Saufley Sofley19421968 sank as a target ship DD-50 1 Schroeder19431974 disintegrated.
DD-596 shields shields 1945 1972 was sold to Brazil and renamed as Maranhao. 1990 dissolved DD-643 Signy Signy 1943 1975 dissolved DD-502 Sigeby Sigeby/KLOC-.
DD-565 Smali smalley 1944 1966 disintegrated.
DD-512 Spence Spence19431944.12.18 was overturned by a typhoon near Luzon Island, and DD-577 disintegrated in Sproston, Sproston+0943197.
DD-478 Xu Renjie 1942 197 1 year disintegrated.
DD-644 Stembel Steinbel19431961was transferred to Argentina, renamed Rosales, 1982 dissolved DD-538 Stephen Potter Stephen Potter 1943 1973 dissolved DD-43.
DD-683 Stockham Stockham 1944 1977 sank as a target ship.
DD-566 stoddard stoddard 1944 1997 sank as a target ship.
DD-467 strongstrong19421943.7.5 was sunk by a torpedo near New Georgia Island. DD-468 Taylor 1942 1969 was handed over to Italy and renamed as Lanciere. 197 1 year dissolved DD-5 13 terry 1943 1974 disintegrated DD-5 14 Thatcher 1943 1948.
The Sullivan 1943 1977 of DD-537 Sullivan was built in Buffalo as a memorial ship, and DD-539 tingeytingji19431966 sank as a target ship.
DD-530 Strathen Trassen19431973 disintegrated.
DD-591Twiggs Twiggs19431945.6.16 was sunk by a torpedo in Okinawa.
DD-540 Twining Twining19431971was sold to Taiwan Province Province, renamed "Guiyang" and disintegrated in 1994.
DD-687 UHLMANN Ullman19431974 disintegrated DD-656 van Valkenburgh van Warkenbo19441967 was transferred to Turkey and renamed Izmir. 1986 disintegrated DD-689 wadleigh wadley19431962 was transferred to Chile and renamed Blanco Encalada, 655.
DD-5 16 Wadsworth Wadsworth 1943 1959 was transferred to the former West Germany and renamed Z3. 1980 was sold to Greece and renamed Nearchos. 199 1 disbanded DD-5 17 Walkman 1943 1969 moved to Italy and changed its name to Font, 197 1 disbanded DD-466 Waller.
DD-684 Wedderburn Wedderburn 1944 197 1 sank as a target ship DD-578 Vickers 1943 1974 sank as a target ship.
DD-597 Willie Willie 1945 1970 disintegrated.
DD-579 William D Porter William D Porter19431945.6.10 was sunk by Kamikaze Special Forces in Okinawa. DD-568 was appointed as Rennes 1944 1975 and disintegrated.
DD-541YARNALLYANAL19431968 was handed over to Taiwan Province Province and renamed as "Kunyang". 1994 disintegrated DD-580 Xiaoyang194319774.
:: Introduction of Allen M. sumner class destroyers.
"Allen sumner" class is an enlarged version of "Fletcher" class. Its combat radius is larger than any previous class destroyer, and it is the best destroyer built by the United States in World War II. A total of 70 ships were built in this class (of which 12 was changed to DM during the construction process), and 3 of them were completed after the war. In the early 1960s, 33 "Allen sumner" class ships were modernized and equipped with anti-submarine helicopters. 1975, this class was completely retired, and a large part of it was transferred to the navies of other countries.
Full load displacement: 2,800 tons;
Main dimensions: total length 1 14.85m, total width 12.34m, draft 3.81m; Speed: 34 knots; Crew: 345;
Main gun: Mk.32 double 5-inch anti-aircraft dual-purpose guns with 3 doors;
Torpedo: two 2 1 inch five-link torpedo tubes (some ships are reduced to1);
Air defense weapons: 2 quadruple 40mm Bofors cannons, 2 double 40mm Bofors cannons, 1 1 single tube 20mm Erican cannons; Anti-submarine weapons: 2 deep-water bomb throwing slots and 4-6 hedgehog launchers.
Some opinions on completing the translation of ship names
DD-752 Alfred A. Cunningham Alfred A. Cunningham 1944 1979 sank as a target ship DD-692 Allen M. sumner Allen M. sumner 1944 1974 disintegrated DD-698 OLT/KLOC-0.
DD-722 Barton Barton 1943 1969 sank as a target ship.
DD-756 was sold to Venezuelan than Tiberti/KOOC-0/945/KOOC-0/972, and renamed as Carabobo./KOOC-0/974 disintegrated DD-744 light light light blue/KOOC-0/944/KOOC-0/977 sank as a target ship.
DD-704 Borieboli19441972 was sold to Argentina and renamed Hipolito Bouchard. DD-857 Bristol 1945 1969 was dissolved and transferred to Taiwan Province Province, renamed Huayang. 1994 dissolved DD-745, brushed Blache 1944 1969, handed it over to Taiwan Province Province, renamed Xiangyang, 1984 dissolved DD-76 1946 1973 and sold it to Brazil.
DD-697 Charles S. Sperry Charles S. Sperry19441974 was sold to Chile and renamed Ministro Zenteno. 1990 dissolved DD-730 collettcolet19441974 and sold it to Argentina, renamed Piedra Buena, and dissolved in 1984 DD-705 Compton Compton 1944 6944.
DD-727 Dehei Wendihan 1944 1973 was sold to South Korea, renamed "Incheon", and 1993 disintegrated.
DD-779 Douglas H Fox Douglas H Fox 1944 1974 was sold to Chile and renamed Ministro Portales. 1990 disintegrated DD-74 1 drexler drexler 1944 1945.5.28 was sunk by kamikaze special forces in Okinawa and handed over by DD-696 Ying Ying 1944 1970. Renamed "Huiyang" DD-754 Frank E Evans Frank E Evans 1945 1969 as the target ship, and DD-706 Ghana Nader 1944 1974 disintegrated.
DD-702 Hank Hank19441972 was sold to Argentina and renamed Segi.
DD-708 Harlan R. Dixon Harlan R. Dixon 1945 1973 Disintegration DD-748 Harry E. Hubbard Harry E. Hubbard 1944 1970 Disintegration.
DD-700 Hainsworth Hainsworth 1944 1970 was transferred to Taiwan Province Province, renamed Yueyang, and DD-762 Henry 1946 1975 was dissolved.
DD-709 Hugh Purves Hugh Purves 1945 1972 was sold to Turkey and renamed Zafer, 1994 DD-774 Hugh W Hadley 1944 1947 DD-732.
DD-694 Ingraham19441971was sold to Greece, changed its name to Miaoulis, 1992 dissolved DD-776 James C. Owens James C. Ovens1945/Kloc-0. Renamed Sergey Pei DD-755 John A. Bole John A. Boshang 1945 Disintegration DD-753 John R. Pierce 1944 1974 Disintegration.
DD-760 John W. thomason John W. thomason 1945 1974 was handed over to Taiwan Province Province and renamed as "Nanyang" DD-70 1 John W. Zhou John W. Zhou1944/KLOC.
DD-770 Lowrey Laurie19441973 was sold to Brazil and renamed Espirito Santo DD-729 Lyman K. Swenson Lyman K. Swainson1944 disintegrated in the 1970s.
DD-731MADDOX MADDOX19441972 was sold to Taiwan Province Province and renamed as "Poyang".
DD-733 Mannert L. Abele Mannath L. Abel19441945.4.12 was sunk by Kamikaze special forces in Okinawa.
DD-728 Mansfield Mansfield1944 Disintegration in 1970s DD-778 Messi 1944 1974 Disintegration.
DD-726 meredith Meredith 1944 1944.6.9 was sunk by a German gliding bomb in Normandy, and 1944 1974 disintegrated.
DD-725 O 'Brien O 'Brien/KOOC-0/944/KOOC-0/972 sank as a target ship DD-734 Purdy Paddy/KOOC-0/944/KOOC-0/974 disintegrated DD-757 Putnam/KOOC-0/944/KOOC-0/974.
DD-78 1 Robert K Huntington Robert K Huntington 1945 1973 was sold to Venezuela and renamed Falcon. 198 1 year dissolved DD-747 Samuel N. Moore19441969 transferred to Taiwan Province province, renamed Hengyang, 1994 dissolved DD-707 Soley1.
DD-780 Stormes Storms19451972 was sold to Iran and changed its name to Palang.
DD-758 strongstrong19451973 was sold to Brazil, renamed Rio Grande Del Norte, 1997 sank on the way to the shipyard, and DD-746 Taussig Taussig19441974 was sold to Taiwan Province Province.
DD-699 Waldron Waldron19441973 was sold to Colombia and renamed Santander. DD-723 Walker 1944 1975 was dissolved.
DD-703 Wallace L Linde Wallace L Linde 1944 1973 was sold to South Korea and renamed "Daegu".
DD-775 Willard Keith Willard Keith 1944 1972 was sold to Colombia and renamed caldas. 1977 dissolved DD-777 Zeraszaras 1944 1 sold to Iran and renamed Babu.
Brief introduction of equipment-class destroyer
The "Keeling" class is a replica of the "Allen sumner" class, but the size is slightly larger. A total of 105 ships were built from 1945 to 1949, 80 of which were completed before the end of World War II, but it was too late to show their talents in the Pacific battlefield. In addition, plans for more than 50 ships were cancelled. After the end of World War II, a large number of ships were reclassified as DDE, DDK, DDR and EDD, and the "KIAT" was changed to DDG, becoming the first guided missile destroyer in the United States. In the 1960s, many "keel" classes were modified by FRAM I/II, and they were not retired until the early 1980s. A large part of the navies that have been transferred to other countries are still active at sea.
Full load displacement: 3,480 tons;
Main dimensions: total length 1 19.02m, total width 12.50m, draft 3.81m; Speed: 32 knots; Crew: 367;
Main gun: Mk.32 double 5-inch anti-aircraft dual-purpose guns with 3 doors;
Torpedo: two 2 1 inch torpedo tubes (all removed later);
Air defense weapons: 2 quadruple 40mm Bofors cannons, 2 double 40mm Bofors cannons, 1 1 single tube 20mm Erican cannons; Anti-submarine weapon: unknown.
Some opinions on completing the translation of ship names
DD-826 Agerholm Agerholm 1946 1982 sank as a target ship.
DD-869 Arnold J. Is Bell Arnold J. Is Bell19451973 was sold to Greece and renamed Sachtouris. 1993 disintegrated DD-824 Basilone Baxilong19491982 sank DD-845 Baussell19451997 disintegrated DD-807.
DD-881Bordelon Bodron1945 disintegrated in 1970s.
DD-887 Bath brinkley, brinkley Bath 1945 1973 was sold to Brazil and renamed Mariz e Barros.
DD-868 Bronson Bronson 1945 1977 Disintegration
DD-825 Carpenter19491981was sold to Turkey and renamed Anitepe, which is still in service.
D-88 Dennis J Buckley Dennis J Buckley 1945 1974 Disintegration DD-874 Duncan 1945 1980 sank as a target ship DD-880 Dyess1945 Disintegration in 80,
DD-7 19 Epperson 1949 1977 was sold to Pakistan and renamed as Taimour, and it is still in service.
D 4 Harold J Ellison Harold J Ellison 1945 1983 was sold to Pakistan and renamed as Sharjah Khan D-783 Gourc Geke 19 DD-742 Frank Knox Frank Knox1944/KLOC-0.
45 1977 was sold to Greece, renamed Tombiazis, 1997 disintegrated DD-712 Gyatt Giart1945 was changed to missile destroyer DDG- 1, 1970 sank as a target ship DD-718 hamner hamner 1945 1983 was sold to Taiwan Province and renamed as "Liao 4 Harold J. Ellison Harold J. Ellison19451983 was sold to Pakistan.
DD-765 Képler Képler 1945 1972 was sold to Turkey, renamed Tinaztepe, 1982 was dissolved, and DD-879 Leary Lili19451973 was sold to Spain, renamed langara.
DD-852 Leonard F. Mei Sen Leonard F. Mei Sen 1946 1978 was sold to Taiwan Province Province, renamed as Suiyang DD-764 Lloyd Thomas 1945 1973 and sold to Taiwan Province Province, renamed as Dangyang DD.
DD-784 McKean mckean 1945 disintegrated in the 1980s.
DD-890 Meredith Merediz19451979 was sold to Turkey, and changed its name to Savastepe.
DD-829 myles C. Fox Miles C. Fox1945 The new button DD-8 18 disintegrated in 1980s 1945 1977 was sold to South Korea and renamed as "Daejeon".
DD-883 Newman K. Perry Newman K. Perry 1945 198 1 was sold to South Korea and renamed as "Gyeonggi" DD-841NOAA19451973. 1992 dissolved DD-859 Norris Norris 1945 1974 and sold it to Cocatre Pei, 1994 dissolved DD-889 in O'Hare, O'Hare 1945 1979 and sold it to Spain. 1992dd-886 or leck or leck19451982 was sold to Turkey, and it was renamed Yuceteppedd-846oz bournoz Birn19461975 and disintegrated.
DD-877 Perkins Perkins 1945 1973 was sold to Argentina and renamed Comodore Py. 1984 disintegrated DD-844 Perry19451974 disintegrated.
DD-839 Power 1945 1977 was sold to Taiwan Province Province and renamed as "Shenyang".
DD-786 R.B Anderson Richard B. Anderson 1945 1977 was sold to Taiwan Province Province and renamed as "Kaiyang" DD-820 Ritchie 1945 1978 and disintegrated.
DD-849 Richard E Klaus 1946 1977 was sold to South Korea and renamed Gwangju, and it is still in service today. DD-827 Robert A. Owens19491982 was sold to Turkey and renamed ALC. DD-822 Robert H. Mccard is still in service. Robert h mccard19451980 was sold to turkey. It was renamed Chirici Ali Passada DD-847 Robert L Wilson Robert L Wilson 1946 1980 and sold to South Korea as a target ship DD-876 Rogers 1945 19865438 in 0. Renamed Quanzhou DD-782 Tam Ron 194 Muir B Roberts 1946 197 1 year as the target ship, DD-837 sarsfield sank in sarsfield 1945 1977. It was renamed Deyang DD-790 Shelton Shelton 1946 1973 and sold to Taiwan Province Province. It was renamed Luoyang 5 1977 and disintegrated.
DD-851Rupert us rupatas19451973 was sold to Greece and renamed Kountouriotis DD-823 Samuel B Roberts1946197/kloc.
DD-743 Southern Sutherland 1944 1997 sank as a target ship.
DD-863 Steinaker Stanek19451982 was sold to Mexico, renamed Netzahualcoyotl DD-888 Stick El Stickel19451972 was sold to Greece, renamed Kanaris, and DD-867 Stribling Stribling was dissolved.
DD-7 17 Theodore E Chandler 1945 1975 disintegrated.
DD-828 Timmerman Fisherman 1952 1959 Disintegration DD-834 Turner 1945 1970 Disintegration DD-878 vesole vesol19451983 sank as a target ship. Sgesang Voggisan19451982 was sold to Mexico, renamed Quetzalcoaten, and later renamed Ilhuicamina DD-843 Warrington Wallington1945, which disintegrated in the 1970s.
DD-763 William C. Lowe William C. Lowe 1945 waiting for disintegration.
DD-7 14 William R. Rush William R. Rush 1945 1978 was sold to South Korea and renamed "Gangwon".
DD-7 15 William M Wood William M Wood 1945 1983 sank as a target ship.
DD-716 Wiltsie Wiltsey19451977 was sold to Pakistan and renamed Tariq. Later, it was renamed Nazim DD-848 Witek Whitaker19461969 and sank as a target ship.