1. There are different translations and problems for big and small titles
Han Wu was traveling in the forest and saw a good tree. He asked Dongfang Shuo, and Shuo said: "The name is good." Emperor Yin made people fall. Its tree. A few years later, he asked Shuo again, and Shuo said, "My name is Qu Suo." The emperor said, "Shuo has been bullying me for a long time, so why is my name different from the previous one?" Shuo said, "The big one is a horse, the small one is a colt, and the long one is a chicken." , the small one is a chick; the big one is an ox, and the small one is a calf; one is born as a child, and one grows up as an old man; some may have been good in the past, but now they are a harem; one will grow young, die, and live, and all things will fail, how can there be any certainty! Di Nai laughed.
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at the portraits of Boyi Yang and Shu Qi and asked Dongfang Shuo who the two people in the portrait were. Dongfang Shuo said: "They were very stupid people in ancient times." Emperor Wu said: "Bo Yi and Shu Qi are famous in the world. How can an honest person be called stupid? " Dongfang Shuo replied: "I heard that smart people should follow the development of the times and not hinder the trend. Why don't they sit where they should and sit happily. Drinking freely like wild ducks swimming in the water? If they don't want to be an official, there is no place near the capital where they can live in seclusion. Why do they go to Shouyang Mountain to starve to death?" Emperor Wu didn't realize it. Sigh. Another time, Emperor Wu went to Changlin to play and saw a very lush tree. He asked Dongfang Shuo what kind of tree it was. Dongfang Shuo said: "The name is Shanzai." Emperor Wu secretly asked someone to cut down a section of the tree. A few years later, Emperor Wu asked Dongfang Shuo again. Dongfang Shuo said: "The name is Qu Suo." Emperor Wu said: "You have deceived me for a long time, why is the name different from before?" Dongfang Shuo said: "For example, the big one is called horse, the small one is called colt; when it grows up, it is called chicken, and when it is young, it is called chicken. The older ones are called cows, and the smaller ones are called calves; when they are born, they are called sons, and when they grow up, they are called Laozi. Therefore, this tree was originally called Shanzai, but now it is called Qu Suo. Laughed loudly. 2. There are different names for big and small
Han Wu went to the forest and saw a good tree. He asked Dongfang Shuo, and Shuo said: "The name is good."
Emperor Yin made people fall off the tree. A few years later, he asked Shuo again, and Shuo said, "My name is Qu Suo."
The emperor said, "Shuo has been bullying me for a long time, why is my name different from the previous one?" Shuo said, "My husband is a horse." The young one is a foal; the old one is a chicken, the young one is a chick; the big one is an ox, the young one is a calf; one is born as a child, and one grows old; one used to be a good person, but now it is a place of refuge; one grows young, dies, lives, and all things fail, how can it be determined? Alas! Di Nai laughed. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at the portraits of Boyi Yang and Shu Qi and asked Dongfang Shuo who the two people in the portrait were. Dongfang Shuo said: "They were very stupid people in ancient times."
Emperor Wu: "Bo Yi He Shuqi is a well-known honest person in the world, how can he be called stupid?" Dongfang Shuo replied: "I heard that smart people should follow the development of the times and not stand in the way of the trend. Sitting there, drinking freely, as freely as a wild duck swimming in the water? If they don't want to be an official, there is no place where they can live in seclusion near the emperor's feet, why should they go to Shouyang Mountain to starve to death? "Emperor Wu also sighed deeply.
Another time, Emperor Wu went to Changlin to play and saw a very lush tree. He asked Dongfang Shuo what kind of tree it was. Dongfang Shuo said: "The name is Shanzai."
Emperor Wu secretly asked someone to cut down a section of the tree. A few years later, Emperor Wu asked Dongfang Shuo again.
Dongfang Shuo said: "The name is Qu Suo." Emperor Wu said: "You have been deceiving me for a long time. Why is the name different from before?" Dongfang Shuo said: "For example, the big one is called Ma, and the small one is called Ma. When it grows up it is called a chicken, when it is young it is called a chick; when it is older it is called a cow, when it is younger it is called a calf; when it is born it is called a son, when it grows up it is called Laozi.
So this tree was called Shanzai at first, but now it is called Qusuo. Life and death, big and small, all things change, nothing is fixed."
Emperor Wu laughed. 3. Is there any smart story similar to "the names of big and small are different"
Once upon a time, a small country came to China and paid tribute to three identical golden men. The golden walls were so brilliant that the emperor was very happy.
But this small country was not kind and asked a question at the same time: Which of the three golden men is the most valuable? The emperor thought of many ways and invited a jeweler to check, weigh and see the workmanship. They were all exactly the same. what to do? The envoy is still waiting to go back and report.
Wouldn’t a huge country not even understand this little thing? Finally, an old minister who resigned said he had a solution. The emperor invited the envoy to the main hall. The old minister confidently held three straws and inserted them into the ears of the first golden man. The straws came out from the other ear.
The second golden man’s straw fell directly from his mouth, while the third golden man’s straw fell into his stomach without making any sound. The veteran said: The third golden man is the most valuable! The messenger was silent and the answer was correct.
This story tells us that the most valuable person is not necessarily the most eloquent person. God gave us two ears and one mouth, originally to let us listen more and speak less.
Being good at listening is the most basic quality of a mature person. 4. Looking for 10 classical Chinese reading questions and answers
1. Huang Wan’s clever pairing Huang Wan is young and wise.
My grandfather Qiong was the prefect of Wei County. There was a solar eclipse on the first lunar month of the first year of Jianhe.
The capital was missing but Qiong heard about it. The Queen Mother asked how much she had eaten.
Jones is right but doesn’t know what’s going on. Wan, who was seven years old, stood by and said, "Why don't you say that the rest of the solar eclipse is like the beginning of the moon?" Qiong was shocked, and she responded to the imperial edict with her words, and she fell in love with her deeply.
Notes ① Jianhe: the reign name of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. The first year of Jianhe was AD 147.
②The capital is missing: The solar eclipse cannot be seen in the capital. Cultural knowledge "Queen Mother" and others.
Since the Qin Dynasty, the emperor has been called the "emperor" and the emperor's wife has been called the "queen". "Queen Mother" (or Empress Dowager) refers to the emperor's mother (the mother of the princes and kings of the Zhou Dynasty is also called "Queen Mother"), and the emperor's father is called "Tai Shang Huang".
The emperor's grandmother was called "the Empress Dowager", and the emperor's grandfather was called "the Supreme Emperor". "Tai" means supreme and great, so the emperor's doctor is called "Tai Yi", the emperor's teacher is called "Tai Shi", and the emperor's ancestral temple is called "Tai Miao".
Thoughts and exercises 1. Explanation: ①Edict ②Qi 2. Translation: ①Qiong thinks that he is right but does not know what the situation is; ②That is, he responds to the edict with his words 3. Choice: "Qiong heard about it" There are Which of the following understandings is incorrect? ① Huang Qiong heard about the situation; ② Huang Qiong reported the situation to the emperor; ③ Huang Qiong let the emperor hear about the situation. 4. Understand: What does Huang Wan say about the appearance after a solar eclipse? 2. Child prodigy Zhuang Yougong Zhuang Yougong in Guangdong is known as a child prodigy.
The neighboring town of Guangdong, the General's Office, was performing a kite-flying show. It was suitable to be placed in the inner house of the General's Office, and the village went directly to ask for it. Because of his extraordinary divine personality, Zhu Yi suddenly asked: "Where did the boy come from?" Zhuang Yizhen was right.
The general asked: "Have you ever studied? Have you ever been correct?" Zhuang said: "Yes, it is a trivial matter, why is it so difficult!" The general asked: "How many words can you get correct?" Zhuang said: "If you can write one word, you can also write a hundred words." The general boasted about the size of the square. Pointing to the paintings in the hall, he ordered him to say: "In the old painting hall, the dragon does not sing, the tiger does not roar, and the flowers If you don't smell the fragrance and the birds don't chirp, this kid is ridiculous."
Zhuang said: "Just one game of chess here is enough." The answer was: "It's half a chess game, the rook has no wheels, and the horse has no wheels. No saddle, no smoke for the cannon, no food for the soldiers, shout to the general to be careful."
Notes ① Guangdong: Today's Panyu City, Guangdong. ② Zhuang Yougong: A native of the Qing Dynasty, he served as the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.
③Divinity: divine order and temperament. ④Have you ever learned to be right?: Have you ever learned to be right? ⑤ Hall affairs: refers to the lobby.
⑥ Fire pawn: The cook in the army. Cultural knowledge chess.
Go and Xiangqi are the two major chess activities in China. Most experts believe that there was Go first and then chess.
The term "xiangqi" first appeared in "The Songs of Chu: Soul Calling". From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the early Tang Dynasty, there were only four arms in xiangqi: general, rook, horse and pawn. In the Tang Dynasty, "Pao" was added, and in the Northern Song Dynasty, "Pian" and "Zen" were added, which are equivalent to "Shi" and "Xiang".
By the end of the Northern Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, Chinese chess was truly finalized: a chess set has 32 pieces, divided into generals, soldiers, elephants, soldiers, chariots, horses, and cannons. Thoughts and exercises 1. Explanation: ① Department ② Suitable ③ Chess ④ Right ⑤ Praise 2. Translation: ① All battles are ignored because they are young; ② He said in a sudden question; ③ Zhuang Yizhen is right; ④ Why is it so difficult! 3. Cao Zhi is smart. Cao Zhi is more than ten years old. He has recited hundreds of thousands of poems, treatises and poems. He is good at literature.
Taizu tasted his article and asked Zhi: "Are you asking someone to do something wrong?" Zhi knelt down and said: "What you say is what you say, and what you write is what you write. It's like an interview. How can I invite people?" Shi Yebi said It's done, it's impressive.
Taizu was very different. Notes ① "Poetry" and "Lun": refer to "The Book of Songs" and "The Analects of Confucius".
② Fu: an ancient literary style. ③Taizu: refers to Cao Cao.
④Discussion: discussion. ⑤Ye: An ancient place name, in today’s Henan Province.
⑥Bronze Bird Pavilion: The pavilion built by Cao Cao in Yecheng. Cultural common sense The writer Cao Zhi.
Cao Zhi is the son of Cao Cao, named Zijian. He has been enlightened since he was a child. From the above, it can be seen from the above that he has read quite a lot of books when he was a teenager, and he also wrote good articles.
Because of his talent and learning, he was favored by Cao Cao in his early years and wanted to establish him as a prince. This aroused the jealousy of his brother Cao Pi. After Cao Pi became emperor, Cao Zhi became even more jealous and died in depression.
Most of his poems are five-character poems. In the early stage, a few wounds reflected the social turmoil and his own ambitions, while in the later stage, he expressed his depression. Today there is "Cao Zijian Collection".
Thoughts and exercises 1. Explanation: ① Gu ② Xi ③ General ④ Zhu ⑤ Aid 2. Translation: good at writing; ② Nai He invites people; ③ Taizu is very different 3. Understanding: "seen" What does mean? 4. Write "Poetry in Seven Steps" silently. 4. Abalone is hard to come by. The ancestors of the Qitian family lived in the court, and there were thousands of guests.
When someone offered fish or geese, Tian looked at it and Naiba said: "Heaven is kind to the people! Plant grains and give birth to fish and birds for their use." All the guests responded.
A son of the Bao family, twelve years old, was also sitting and said, "It's not as good as your words. All things in heaven and earth are born with me, and they are of the same kind.
There is no high or low in the same kind. The small and large intelligences are in control of each other, and they feed on each other. They do not live by each other. If humans take what is edible and eat it, is it not natural for mosquitoes and gnats to eat their skin, and for tigers and wolves to eat their flesh? , Tigers and wolves produce meat!” Notes ① Tian family: A (noble) person with the surname Tian in Qi State.
②Ancestor: When ancient people traveled far and held banquets to worship road gods, they called them "ancestors".
③Traditional: Yu.
④ Not living for each other: not living for the other's survival. ⑤Gnat: A small blood-sucking insect.
⑥囋: bite. Cultural common sense diners.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, people who relied on their skills to join the nobility were called "diners". In order to recruit talents and show their strength, the powerful families would have as many as three thousand diners, and as few as hundreds.
Among the diners, some are good at making suggestions, some are good at diplomacy, and those who are good at sneaking around can sometimes become diners. Diners are ranked according to their talent.
Thoughts and exercises 1. Explanation: ① and ② also ③ and ④ category 2. Translation: ① Heaven is kind to the people ② Not as good as the king ③ Controlled by small and big intelligence 3. Title " The "difficulty" in "Baozi is a difficult guest" is explained as. 5. Cao Shaokui caught the "weird". There was a monk in Luoyang who kept singing to himself day and night.
The monk thought it was strange and became sick from fear. I asked the magicians to ban it in every possible way, but in the end it was impossible.
Shao Kui and the monk Shan came to inquire about his illness. The monk both complained and struck the fasting bell, which stopped ringing again. Shao Kui smiled and said: "Tomorrow we can prepare a grand feast for you."
Although the monk did not believe Shao Kui's words, he hoped it would be effective, so he prepared a feast for him. After Kui finished eating, he took out the file from his arms and used it in several places, and the sound was gone.
The monk asked the reason why, and Shao Kui said: "This chi is in harmony with the rhythm of the bell, and the strikes are in response to each other." The monk was overjoyed, and his illness was cured.
Note ①: A percussion instrument. Used by monks to perform Buddhist rituals.
②Warlock: Yes. 5. There is something to do and something not to do. Read the answer
There is something to do and something not to do.
① "Wei" means "doing". What should be done must be done, this is "doing something". You must not do things you shouldn't do. This is "what you should not do".
②Here, the key is the word "should". What does "should" mean? This is a bit like the word "righteousness" in benevolence and righteousness. Han Yu defined the word "righteousness" as "meaning to act appropriately". "Yi" means "yi", and "yi" means "appropriate", that is, "should", but the problem is still unresolved. If you want to explain this issue clearly from a philosophical and ethical perspective, I am afraid you will have to write a long paper or even a big book. I don't have the ability, and I don't think it's necessary. I think that as long as we appeal to the conscience and ability that most people can have, we can distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and know what should be done and what should not be done.
③The ancient Chinese said: "Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do evil deeds because they are small." It can be seen that there are big and small differences between good and evil, and there should be big and small differences. Not all are on the same level. What is big and what is small? There is no need for cumbersome arguments here. It is enough to use your brain and open your eyes to take a look at society.
④Small evils and small kindnesses can be seen at any time in daily life. For example, giving up your seat to the elderly and patients on a bus. If you can, it is considered a small kindness; if you cannot give it, it can only be regarded as a small kindness. Small evils are not enough to be treacherous. However, from those people who immediately pretend to close their eyes and meditate as soon as they see an old man or a sick person getting on the bus, can't we also see the level of social morality from the small to the big?
⑤ As for great good and great evil, we can also see it in current society, but we can see it more clearly in history. For example, Wen Tianxiang in the Song Dynasty. He was captured by the Yuan army. If he wants to live, he can just surrender to the enemy. Not only can he survive, but he can also be a high-ranking official. At most, he will be included in the "Emperor's Biography" after his death. "Who cares about the affairs behind his death?" Why bother with so much? . However, he composed "Song of Righteousness" and died calmly, leaving an everlasting reputation that is still inspiring the patriotic enthusiasm of our people across the country.
⑥Through the example of a small evil and a large good given above, we can probably get a general concept of large and small good and large and small evil. Anything that is beneficial to the country, the people, and the future of human development is ( ), and the opposite is ( ). Anything that is beneficial to dealing with interpersonal relationships and maintaining social stability and unity can be called ( ), and vice versa. It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between sizes, this is just a general outline.
⑦The great and small good and the great and the evil are sometimes related. As the saying goes: "A embankment of a thousand miles will collapse in an ant nest." Take the corruption behavior that is often mentioned in front of us. It is often the case that a small amount of property is embezzled first, and there is still a little drumming in the heart. However, once you succeed and taste the benefits without being discovered, you become more and more courageous, and the amount of corruption increases. Finally, it becomes out of control, and you are finally sanctioned by the law. It is too late to regret it. There are also some individuals who are aware of current affairs and know how to return after going astray. They are the so-called prodigal sons who turn back. However, it is difficult!
⑧My hope is very simple. I hope everyone can do something or not. Once the "do" is wrong, resolutely turn back.
1. What is the main point that the author wants to express in the article?
2. Based on the above content, fill in the appropriate content in the brackets in the text.
3. What argumentative methods are used in the article to discuss what are the major and minor evils? What are the characteristics?
4. This article quotes many famous quotes and aphorisms. Please pick out one of them and tell its function?
5. Briefly analyze the argumentation ideas in paragraphs ③-⑦.
6. The title of this article is "What to do and what not to do", but the article uses a lot of words to talk about the magnitude of "good" and "evil". Is this beside the point? Tell us what you think.
Reference answers:
1. Everyone can do something or not. Once something is wrong, he will resolutely turn around.
2. Great good, great evil, small good and small evil
3. Use examples to demonstrate one contrary, one right, one ancient and one modern
4. Examples: ① Quote "Don't "Do not do good deeds if they are small, do not do them if they are small, do not do them if they are small." The discussion should not be the same as good and evil. There are also differences in big and small. ②The quote "A dike of a thousand miles breaks in an ant's nest" is to argue that good and evil, both large and small, are sometimes connected. ③The purpose of quoting "the meaning of what is appropriate to do" is to explain what should be.
5. Put forward the point of view that good and evil are divided into small and large --- use examples to discuss what small evil, small good and big good and big evil are, and draw conclusions --- further discuss small and large good and big and small Evil is sometimes related.
6. Don’t go off topic. Because you can distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, you will be able to distinguish what should be done and what should not be done, that is, what is done and what is not done. 6. The translation of "Niaoshuo II" and some questions ~ Guiqiu
There is a laurel tree next to the house where I study.
One day there was a sound of chirping on the osmanthus tree, and I looked at it. It was two birds making a nest between the branches. It was less than five or six feet above the ground and could be touched by human hands. The nest is as big as a small cup, precise, complete and strong, made of tangled grass.
The birds are one female and one male. They are small enough to hold in a handful. Their coats are bright and clean, beautiful, white and cute. I don’t know what kind of birds they are. The chick is about to hatch, the female bird covers it with her wings, and the male bird goes to hunt for food.
Every time he gets food (here the poster missed the sentence "every time he gets food"), he will perch on the house and not come down immediately. The owner (of the house) jokingly shakes its nest with his hand, (they) look down and sing, shake it lightly and it screams softly, shake it hard and it screams loudly, and when the hand is taken off, the scream stops.
(Later) one day, I came from outside and saw a (bird) nest falling on the ground. I looked for two birds and eggs, but they were gone. When asked about their (whereabouts), someone (the house owner)’s boy servant captured them.
Alas! Because this bird's feathers are white and its chirping sound is pleasant, why doesn't it live in the mountains and in the dense woods? It lived in an inappropriate (suitable) place and was humiliated to death by slaves. Is the road in this world very wide? ! Personal feeling: The author pities the white and beautiful bird and laments its ill-fated fate.
First he was teased by rocking the nest, and then he was captured and killed. Feeling noble and empathetic, he lamented that he was suffering from the same illness.
Lament the world: The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life. 7. Reading answers to "Something to do and some not to do"
5. Everyone can do something and not do something. Once something is wrong, he will resolutely turn around. (3 points)
6. Big good, big evil, small good and small evil (4 points)
7. Give examples to demonstrate one is wrong, one is right, one is ancient and one is modern (3 points)
8. Example: ① Quoting "Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do them because evil is small." The discussion should not be the same as good and evil, and there are differences in big and small. ②The quote "A dike of a thousand miles breaks in an ant nest" is to argue that good and evil, both large and small, are sometimes connected. ③The purpose of quoting "the meaning of what is appropriate to do" is to explain what should be. (4 points)
9. Put forward the view that good and evil are divided into small and large --- use examples to discuss what small evil, small good and big good and big evil are, and draw conclusions ---- further supplementary discussion Small and large good and large and small evil are sometimes related. (4 points)
10. Don’t go off topic. Because you can distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, you will be able to distinguish what should be done and what should not be done, that is, what is done and what is not done. (4 points) 8. Reading Comprehension of Classical Chinese
When Wang Gong returned from Kuaiji, Wang Da looked at him and saw him sitting on a six-foot mat (diàn), so he said to Gong: "Your Majesty has come from the east, so he should be like this You can take it from me." Gong was speechless. After he has gone, he will lift up the person sitting on him and send him off. Since there was no room left, he sat down. Later, when he heard about it, he was very surprised and said: "I originally thought that there were many ministers, so I asked for your ear." He said to him: "My father-in-law is not respectful, and a respectful person will not achieve anything." [2] "Shi Shuo" by Liu Yiqing, Southern Dynasties and Song Dynasty Xinyu·Dexing" Interpretation (1) Wang Gong: courtesy name Xiaobo, a native of the Jin Dynasty. Kuaiji, the name of a county in the Jin Dynasty, is located in today's Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province. (2) Return: return to the original place (3) Wang Da: Wang Chen, also known as Yuanda, also known as Ada, was born in the Jin Dynasty. He is from the same clan as Wang Gong, and Wang Gong is his descendant. (4) Diàn: Bamboo mat. (5) Qing: It was used as a title in ancient times. An honorable person called an inferior person "Qing", just like a king calls a minister; peers also called each other "Qing", like a husband and wife. Wang Da and Wang Gong were from the same clan and had higher seniority, so they called Wang Gong "Qing". Donglai: The capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was in present-day Nanjing, so the area around Kuaiji was called Dong. Donglai means coming from the east.
(6) Therefore, there should be something like this: Because bamboo mats are abundant in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Wang Dacai said this. (7) Yes: Yes. To: take. One collar: one piece, one bed. And: Come, here we say "give". (8) Recommended: grass, straw mat. (9) Father-in-law: In ancient times, a humble person called his elder "father-in-law". Know, know. (10) Long things: leftovers, extra things. Shishuo Xinyu, formerly known as Shishuo Xinshu, or Shishuo for short, is a collection of ancient novels written by Liu Yiqing in the Southern Song Dynasty. It has three volumes. It describes the speeches and styles of celebrities and scholars from the late Han Dynasty to the Jin and Song Dynasties. and anecdotes, etc., with concise language and vivid literary talent. This story is also recorded in the "Book of Jin: Biography of Wang Gong" written by Fang Xuanling of the Tang Dynasty. Wang Gong said to Wang Chen, "I have nothing to gain in my life."
Translation: Wang Gong came back from Huiji, and Wang Da went to see him. Wang Da saw Wang Gong sitting on a six-foot-long bamboo mat and said to him, "You must be rich when you come back from the east. Can you give me one?" Wang Gong did not answer. After Wang Da left, Wang Gong gave Wang Da the mat he was sitting on. I didn't have a bamboo mat anymore, so I sat on a straw mat. Later, when Wang Da heard about this, he said to Wang Gong, "I thought you had plenty there, so I asked for it." Wang Gong replied, "You don't understand me. I never have extra things."