Confucius' famous words (thoughtful)
if you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand. Do as you would be done by. If you want to stand and be a man, you want to reach and be a man. Bow from the thick and thin blame others, it is far from resentment. See the sage Si Qi how, see the sage and introspect. In a threesome, there must be a teacher, choose the good one and follow it, and change the bad one. Live respectfully, deacons respect, and be loyal to others. A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others, and all the people in the four seas are brothers. He is faithful in his words and respectful in his deeds. Although he is quite a country, he can do it. Words are not faithful, deeds are not respectful, although in the state, is it true? It is a scholar to be ashamed of yourself and make it work in all directions without humiliating your life. Confucius said, "It is benevolent to be able to do five things in the world." Please ask. Say: "Gong, Kuan, Xin, Min and Hui. If you are respectful, you will not be insulted, if you are lenient, you will be popular, if you believe, you will be responsible, if you are sensitive, you will be meritorious, and if you benefit, you will be able to make people. " A gentleman's righteousness is quality, courtesy is action, sun is action, and faith is success. Gentleman! If you don't change, it's too much! If you pass, you will be in a hurry to change. Don't be angry, don't cross it. The three armed forces can win the handsome, but ordinary people can't win the ambition! If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. No haste, no gain. Haste makes waste; If you see small profits, you can't achieve great things. Scholars must be unyielding and have a long way to go. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your own responsibility? Isn't it far to die before you die? If you don't stick to morality and don't believe in it, how can you exist and die? Make friends and keep your word. Friendship with literature, friendship with benevolence. There are three friends who benefit and three friends who lose. Friends are straightforward, friends forgive, and friends hear more, which is beneficial. Friends make friends, be friendly and soft, and friends will be ruined and damaged. A gentleman is slow in words and quick in deeds. A gentleman does not want to eat enough, to live in peace, to be sensitive and cautious about what he says, to have a proper way and to be honest, and to be eager to learn. Clever words and disorderly morals. Clever words make color, fresh and benevolent. Rigidity, fortitude, wood, and laziness are close to benevolence. Those who have virtue must cultivate words, and those who have words need not cultivate virtue. Listen to what you say and watch what you do. You don't cite people by words, and you don't waste words by people. The ancient people can't say it, and they are ashamed to bow. A gentleman's name must be spoken, and his words must be feasible. A gentleman's words are nothing more than nothing. You can talk with words without talking with them, losing people; Don't talk to it with words, make a gaffe. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words. If you don't say it, it's called impatience. If you say it without saying it, it's called concealment. If you don't see the color, it's called jealousy. Good benevolence is not easy to learn, and its cover is also stupid; If you know well and can't learn well, your cover will swing; Good faith is not easy to learn, and its cover is also a thief; It' s hard to learn straight, and its cover is also twisted; If you are brave and hard to learn, your cover will be chaotic; It's hard to learn, but it's also crazy. Courtesy and rudeness are tiring, prudence and rudeness are embarrassing, courage and rudeness are chaotic, and straightness and rudeness are twisted. Be a gentleman, respect his affairs and then eat them. The use of ceremony, harmony is precious. Do it for profit, but complain more.