A gentleman embraces benevolence and righteousness and is not afraid of heaven and earth. ——Wang Jian
Those who value themselves are unkind, and those who like to accumulate wealth are unjust. Those who are respectful are rude, and those who are greedy for fame are unwise. ——Lin Bu The only lamp that illuminates people is reason, and the only stick that guides life astray is conscience. ——Heine
In the minds of confident men and women, conscience is no child’s play. ——Romain Rolland
To praise others and others praise them is to praise oneself; to destroy others and others to destroy them is to destroy oneself. Self-honor is the thief of benevolence, self-destruction is the thief of righteousness. ——Yao Ying
Today’s conscience is the requirement of happiness. ——Miki Kiyoshi
Be kind and righteous without giving money, but be kind and righteous when giving money. ——Liang Zhangju
If a family is benevolent, a country will prosper; if a family makes concessions, a country will prosper. ——Book of Rites·University Conscience makes people timid. Want to be a thief, afraid of condemnation. I want to curse and slander but I am afraid of being scolded. ...Conscience is the thing that rebels in people's hearts and is most afraid of loneliness. ——Shakespeare
Benevolence and righteousness are friends, morality is teachers. ——Shi Xiangzai
For the practice of morality, the best audience is people's own conscience. ——Cicero
A benevolent man will establish others when he wants to be established, and he will reach others when he wants to reach them. ——Confucius
There are some countries in the world that are more important, and that is human conscience. ——Romain Rolland
Do righteousness and then
The most benevolent person in the world can be the closest relative in heaven. ——Confucius
A benevolent person will not change his integrity based on prosperity and decline, and a righteous person will not change his mind based on survival. ——"The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms·Wei Zhi·The Biography of He Yan"
A righteous man will not deceive his heart, and a benevolent man will not harm his life. ——Liu Xiang