Original text:
You Meng, so Chu is happy. He is eight feet long, often arguing, often laughing and making one-liners
When he was in Chu Zhuangwang, he liked horses, wore embroidery and put them under a luxurious house, with dew on the mat and candied dates on the fork. The horse died of illness and obesity, and the minister mourned and wanted to be buried with the coffin doctor. I think it is impossible to argue about this matter. The king ordered, "Anyone who dares to remonstrate with a horse is extremely guilty."
When you hear the dream, you enter the temple gate. Cry to the sky. Wang was surprised and asked why. Youmeng said, "Horses are loved by kings. With the grandeur of Chu, I dare not expect anything, but I was buried with the doctor's gift. Please bury it with a royal ceremony. " When the princes heard about it, they all knew that the king was a bitch and your horse was expensive.
The king said, "I'm sorry!" Therefore, Wang Nai made the horse an official, and his name shocked the world for a long time.
Youmeng was originally a song and dance artist of Chu State. He is eight feet tall, talkative, and often talks and persuades him tactfully.
When he was in Chu Zhuangwang, he had a beloved horse, dressed it in gorgeous clothes, put it in a house with carved beams and painted buildings, covered it with a bed without curtains, and fed it with candied dates. The horse died of obesity, so I asked a hundred officials to treat his funeral and wanted to bury him in a coffin according to the funeral doctor's etiquette. Officials nearby dissuaded him from doing so. King Zhuang ordered, "Whoever dares to remonstrate with Ma Tombs will be beheaded."
Hearing this, Youmeng walked into the temple gate. Shout loudly to the sky. King Zhuang was surprised and asked him why he was crying. You dream: "The horse is cherished by the king. With the great power of Chu, what can't you get? According to the doctor's etiquette, burial is too meager. Please bury him as a gift. All countries know that the king despises people and values horses. "
Chu Zhuangwang said, "Will my fault become like this?" At that time, King Zhuang sent someone to hand over the dead horse to the official in charge of the palace meal, so as not to let the whole world spread it for a long time.