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Comparison among Guan Zhong, Confucius and Laozi
He who wants to rule the world and respect his name must respect the virtuous and the corporal. Yi said, "From top to bottom, the road is bright." He also said, "Cheap means people." Fu Ming, the virtue of the king, must be far and near. A swan has no wings. Although there is a thousand miles of hope, I still can't get what I want. Therefore, those who swim in the rivers and seas are entrusted to the boat, those who reach out to the road are entrusted to riding, and those who want to bully are entrusted to the sages; Yi Yin, Lu Shang, Guan Yiwu and Priscilla, the overlord ship is also on board. The release of fathers, brothers and descendants is not sparse; It is wrong for Afghanistan to let people fish for butchers and be enemies with servants. The way to contribute to the country must be different. Judas craftsmen called it a palace. They knew the small quantity of wood and wood, but the effect of the number of people. Therefore, Lu Shang hired and the world knows that merchants are dead, and Zhou Wang also; Wu Ren, the whole world knows that Chyi Chin will dominate, so this is not a special boat ride! The husband becomes an inherent person in Wang Ba, and the country is also an inherent person; Jie used Xin, Zhou used E, Song used Tang Yang, Qi used Su Qin, Qin used Zhao Gao, and everyone knows his death. If you want to be active, just like you want to know how long the night is from summer solstice, you want to fish in the sky. Shunyu is still sleepy, but in a vulgar state!

During the Spring and Autumn Period, when the emperor was weak and the governors were in power, they all rose up against the DPRK. Many people are violent and widowed, robbing the weak, invading the south and invading the north, and China is endless. Duke Huan used Guan Zhong, Bao Shu, Peng Ji, Bin Xuwu and Ning Qi to save the nation, once to save China and to fight Emperor Rong, and once to bully you by threatening Man Jing. Taking the culprit and Yang as his father, he strengthened China, defeated Chu, and joined the vassals. Xian Di showed the Zhou room. Sun Shuai, Sima Zi and Zi Zhong were used to enlist Chen Yu-zheng and defeat Jin, which was invincible in the world. Qin Mugong used Baili, Shujian, Prince Liao and, according to Yongzhou, defeated Xirong. Wu Zhoulai, Yi Yizhou, is proud of his father. Zheng Gong is a country thousands of times richer. He is a vassal, and his benevolence and righteousness are not popular. However, those who kill ministers do not get the sages first. Simple, public property, charity, uncles, pedestrians and feathers, except thieves and ministers, advanced ministers, to strengthen Chu, merge with China, and the country is peaceful. For more than 20 years, there is no danger of strengthening Chu. Therefore, there are gong, there are sleepless nights; Chu has a son, a jade, a minister, and Wen Gong sits on his side, far from being tired of sages. Song Xianggong need not be arrogant, which is a great shame of Chu; Cao was defeated by Rong without any protest. So, * * * is just the key to the Five Beginnings. Chaos is always your own judgment, and Ren Xian still cares. Ren Xian of the country is lucky, unscrupulous and fierce. The case has passed, and it depends on your own affairs. It is inevitable, such as harmony, and this person cannot be careless. When the country is in chaos, a good minister sees it; when the country is in chaos, Ji has his own opinion; when the public acceded to the throne, Ji Zi was appointed, and the country of Lu was peaceful, both at home and abroad. After Kiko's death, Lu was overwhelmed by attacking the south and cutting the north. He asked Yu Chu to take the whole ear (or make a body), so he said that if he bought it, he couldn't defend himself, so he didn't listen to orders, but he was good at promotion, invading the corps commander at home, and being trapped in chaos and suffering from weakness abroad. In these twenty-one years, the nature of the public is not immortal, but gradually becomes immoral. This season, the benefits of son's survival have also been lost. The test of the gains and losses of a man who gains a virtuous man is so painful that his master suddenly uses it. The wisdom of a husband is not enough to see a saint, so there is nothing to do. If wisdom sees it, but the strong can't make up their minds and hesitate, while the big one dies and the small one is crazy, this is very sad. In the Song Dynasty, I didn't know the virtue of Confucius' father, but I knew that Confucius' father would die and I would die. Everyone who rushed to save him knows his virtue. Duke Zhuang of Lu didn't know the virtue of Ji Zi, but he knew that he would die of disease. He called Ji Zi to grant the state administration, which was to know his virtue. These two gentlemen knew that they could see sages but could not use them, so Song Xianggong killed them. Duke Zhuang of Lu took thieves as his heirs and made fleas in Song Dynasty the father of Confucius. Lv Zhuang used the son of Ji to pacify neighboring countries and save the situation!

Zou Zi said, "There are ministers of the Xin family in Yi Yin who think that the rule of the Three Kingdoms is peaceful. Guan Zhong became Yin's dog, a thief and nothing in the world. Qi Huangong thought it was Guan Zhong. Thyme taught me to spread five sheepskins, and Qin Mugong let it run. Ning Qi will drive people, sing the road to health, and serve the country. Sima Xi was born in the Song Dynasty and died in Zhongshan State. Turn your back on Wei and wait for him. Thai Wang Gong is the husband of the old woman, a native of Chao Ge, and a Scheeren who greets guests in Tsukiji. He is close at seventy and sealed at ninety. Therefore, the poem says:' The continuous kudzu vine lying in the wilderness is the result of good deeds, thinking that good deeds cannot die in the wilderness.' These seven scholars, without meeting a wise monarch, died in nakano, just like the continuous Ge Yi. "

The imminent sign is followed by color; The wind of sound, feeling and tempted. Ning Qi hit the horn and sang, and Huan Gong heard it; Bao long knelt on the stone and climbed to the top, and Confucius got off for it; When Yao and Shun met, they did not violate it. Wen soon became a squire. Therefore, the contact between sages and sages does not remain close for a long time; God's meeting is not known until it is tried. Therefore, it is not necessary to share wealth with scholars, but to know their base; You don't have to worry, but you know it's brave. To make a decision is to know its courage; Instead, let it be known that it is cheap. So, when you see a tiger's tail, you know it's bigger than a raccoon. When you see an elephant's teeth, you know that it is bigger than an ox. See the section "Know a hundred knots". From this perspective, what you see is what you occupy, and what you see is what you secure, which is enough to know the general situation.

Wang and Wu; The soup is from Wang Yin, not from Yin Wu. He Lv was defeated in the world with Wu, Fu Cha saw birds in Vietnam, Wen Gong dominated the State of Jin, and saw him in the craftsman's palace. Wang Wei was better than the rest of the world with Qi, the king of Shu died in the temple beam with Qi, and Mu Gong was honored by Qin Xian, and was robbed by Wang Yi for the second time. Therefore, the king is the same, and the achievements are different. Therefore, when he was young, he became a king, became a vassal, and the duke of Zhou used things. King Wuling of Zhao starved to death in the sand dunes for fifty years, and Li Chong also died. Huan Gong won Guan Zhong, nine princes, conquered the world, lost Guan Zhong, resigned himself to elegance, died without being buried, laughed at the world, was immune to blame, and shared weal and woe. So Wei had a son who took back the land by hook or by crook; Zhao Xiangru, Chi dare not leave Yanling; Ren Sui Tang is unique in China. Chu has Shen, and the opposite; Qi has a list of fields, and the king wins the country. From this point of view, there is no sage to assist the gentleman, but it is not uncommon for people who can be famous for their success and succeed safely. The old country did not do great things and won the hearts of the people; Don't do many things, but do good things. Those who win the hearts of the people will go there, and those who help others will return. King Wen invited Yin people to burn the bones, Tang to make a net, and Xia people to follow. The King of Yue did not bury the old tomb, but the Wu people served it, so that what he did was in line with the people's hearts. Therefore, the same voice, different and corresponding, is only the combination of virtue and virtue, blind date without seeing, and saints stand in this dynasty, so the world is luxurious and the trend is consistent. How can we know? Yue: Guan Zhong is a thief of Huan Gong, and Uncle Bao thinks that virtue is his own, but in 70 words, he is listening, so he asked Huan Gong to entrust state affairs with the intention of repaying his kindness. Huan Gong bowed and went to see his ministers. Bao Shu also had great power. Guan Zhong was able to go north because he had no sense of self-crisis and because he hit it off with Bao Shu. The prince was killed, went crazy, killed and defected to Chen. So, Yin was in Zhou, Chen was in Chu, and Hehe was lost because of his murder. Yan Zhaowang got Guo Kui, Zou Yan and Le Yi got the ambition, Perilla and Qujing got the ambition of Zhou Chu, so the soldiers were transferred to Qi, Wang lived in houses, and Yan sent all the people, which is not the same as Qi. However, if you can believe this, you will get a scholar. Therefore, a country with impermanence and security has no people with constant governance; He who gains a saint prospers, but he who loses is in danger. Throughout the ages, nobody. The mirror is so clear, so I know the present, the husband knows the evil danger, but does not attack its safety, so I don't give my life to catch my predecessors, and the squire knows it. Therefore, I sealed the tomb of Bi Gan and raised the children later, and my husband died as thick as thick, and the situation still exists! And then it was gone.

Qi Jinggong asked Confucius, "Qin Mugong is a small country, but it is isolated and hegemonic. Why? " Yes: "Its country is small but ambitious. Although it is isolated, it is at the center of its politics. Its achievements are rewarded, its peace is sought, and its orders are not stolen; I personally raised five doctors in the department and talked with them for three days before I got it. Although you can be, you are too small. "

Or: "Will you call Huan Gong benevolent? Killing brothers is heartless; Will it be said that Huan Gong is respectful and thrifty? Being with women and galloping in the city is disrespectful and frugal; Will Huan Gong be clean? Within the boudoir, unmarried people are unclean. These three men also lost their country and their monarch, but Huan Gong had both. In order to win over Guan Zhong's friend, nine princes, and conquer the world, Zhou Shi of Bi Chao was the first of the five tyrants, and he won the support of the virtuous. Lost control of Zhong Jipeng and was appointed as Yiya. He died, was not buried, and bugs flowed out of the house. Who are the people who share weal and woe? It does something different. " From this perspective, you are in a hurry. There are 70 people in the White House in Zhou Gongdan, and people from all over the world come; There are hundreds of people who have the same food and clothing, and everyone in the world comes; People all over the world are here in Zhong Ni to cultivate monasteries and manage articles. Boyaz played the piano, and Zhong Ziqi listened, but he threw himself into Mount Tai. Zhong Ziqi said, "It's good to play the piano! Just like a mountain. " Zhong Ziqi replied, "It's good to play guqin! Soup is like running water. "After Zhong Ziqi's death, Boya broke the piano and never played it again, thinking that drums were everywhere in the world. Not only drums, but also sages. Although there are sages who can't meet, sages are loyal! Those who don't ride thousands of miles will wait for Bole to arrive later.

Zhou Weigong asked: "Is there any way to draft talents?" Right: "If you have it, you will become poor, if you die, you will survive, and if you waste it, you will start;" People from all directions will come from all directions. The poor can't reach it, the dead don't exist, and the waste can't afford it; People from all directions are surrounded by people from all directions. A husband can't defend himself, and a soldier can't protect himself. If he gets a scholar, he will lose a scholar. It must be a certain period. If it exists, it will be respected. If it dies, it will be humble. " Duke Wu of Zhou said, "Is a scholar that good?" Right: "You don't know my husband. King Chu Ping has a scholar who says that Chu is a guest. If the king wants to kill him, he will be promoted to death." Jin people were used in the battle of Chengpu. Another scholar said that Miao Benhuang, the king wanted to kill him and go to Jin; Jin people used it in the battle of Yanling. Another scholar said that he wanted to solve it, so the king killed him and went to the state of Jin. The Jin people used it to fight the two churches. Another scholar named Wu Zixu, the king killed his father and brother, leaving Wu; He Lv used it, so he attacked Ying. Therefore, Chu's greatness offended the monarchs of Liang, Zheng, Song and Wei, but he did not draw a conclusion on it. These four scholars offended it, three attacked the bones of its people violently, and one ruined its country. From the point of view, the country exists when scholars exist, and the country dies when scholars die; Zi Xu died in anger, but he died in anger; Shi Hu is not expensive! "

Aigong asked Confucius, "Is man desirable?" Confucius said, "No slap, no healthy person, no sharp mouth." Mourning Gong said, "What's the matter?" Confucius said, "Those who give great benefits are inexhaustible; A healthy person must want to have both, not for the law; People who are sharp-tongued have many birthdays and few beliefs, and may not pass the exam in the future. Bow, arrow, tune, and then ask for many blessings; Macon obeyed and asked for his good materials again; People must be honest and honest, and then ask what they can do. Now some people are disloyal, honest and smart. Such people are like wolves, and you can't get close to them. Therefore, the sincerity of benevolence and righteousness, first kiss it; So there are those who know the ability and then let go; So: pro-benevolence and empowerment. Husbands learn from others' skills and observe their words and deeds. The husband speaks to express his feelings. Anyone who can talk can talk. Therefore, the husband will observe his words before slapping his actions. Although there are treacherous people, there is nowhere to escape. " Aigong said, "Good."

In the seventh year of the Duke of Zhou, the emperor took photos, dressed in cloth, 12 people were seen by teachers, 49 people were seen by white houses in poor lanes, 100 people were favored by the times, 1000 people were priests, and 10000 people were officials. At this time, if the Duke of Zhou was arrogant and stingy, there would be few wise men in the world. If there is a wise man, he will be greedy for the corpse and cannot keep you.

Qi Huangong set up a court, and the person I wanted to see met, but it didn't reach the expected date, so I had a person in Dongye, who met with 99 skills. Duke Huan said, "How can I meet 99?" I said to him, "I don't think 99 is enough. It is said that the Lord set up the imperial court to wait for the Jinshi, who didn't arrive that year. The reason why the scholar has not arrived is that he is a monarch and a sage in the world. " People from all directions are not as good as you because they have their own opinions, so they are not very good. The husband is thin and can hear, but the gentleman is polite. Is the situation in 1999 benign? Futaishan spared no effort in earthwork, and the river and sea did not flow against the current, so it became a mountain. As the poem says,' As the ancients said, they asked about straw.' Look for it while talking. "Huan gong said well, but because of the ceremony. People from all over the world came with them, and the poem said, "The people in the church take care of themselves, and the people in the flock take care of themselves. "From the inside out, since the childhood.

When Qi Jinggong was cutting the Song Dynasty, he climbed to the top of the dike and sighed: "I used to be a prince, with a long hub of 800, but now I have a long hub of 3,000. I dare not stay here for a long time, so I don't care!" The string chapter retorted: "I heard that the water is wide, the fish is big, and you are loyal; There used to be Huan Gong, so there was Guan Zhong; Now that the duke of Huan is here, the minister in the car can be loyal. "

Zhao Jianzi likes swimming in the river and sighs, "How can you get along with a smart person?" The boatman knelt on his knees and said to him, "A married woman is a perfect match. It's not bad to come all the way here." Today's scholars are full and don't come. This is my fault! "Zhao Jianzi said," we have about 1000 guests at the door. I don't think I am a good scholar. "In ancient times, the boatman said to him," Swan flies high and far, and its bearer is Liuao. There are countless hairs on its back and mounds of dirt under its belly. If it is full, flying can't be beneficial to it; If the benefits are full, flying cannot be beneficial. I wonder what's the use of six purlins if there are more than a thousand guests under the door. Mao Cui, too. "

Qi Xuanwang sat down, Chunyu Kun waited on him, and Xuan Wang said, "What do you think of me, sir?" Chunyu Kun said: "The ancients were good at four things, and the king was good at three things." King Xuan said, "The goodness of the ancients is also my goodness?" Chunyu Kun said: "The ancients were good horses, and the kings were also good horses; The ancients tasted good, and the king tasted good; The ancients were lewd, and the kings were lewd; The ancients were good scholars, but the king alone was not a good scholar. " King Xuan said, "There are no scholars in the country. If there are, I will say so." Chunyu Kun said, "The ancients were arrogant, but there is no such thing today. The king is chosen by many people, and the king is good at raising horses; In ancient times, there was a treasure like a leopard, but today there is nothing. Wang is chosen by many people. Wang is delicious. There were beautiful women in the ancient west, but not today. The king is chosen by many people, and the king is lewd. The king will be kind to the people of Yao, Shun and Yutang, and the people of Yutang are not good to the king. " Wang Xuan, hey, but nothing can be done.

Wei Jun asked Yu Tianrang, "How about I seal the land thousands of miles away and reward all the silks and silks of the imperial court?" Tian rang said to him, "Your reward can't be rewarded; The punishment of the monarch is inevitable; I still call a dog with a stick and wish a chicken with a bow; Although you can't send the bait, it will be harmful. "

Zong and Wei lived in peace, and after being driven away, they went back to their homes. Then he summoned Rao and others to discuss, saying, "Can the scholar-bureaucrat come with me to the Zhuangke?" Tian Rao and others are all wrong. Zong Wei said: "Dr. He is easy to get, but difficult to use!" Rao said to him, "it is not difficult for a scholar-bureaucrat to use it, but you can't use it." Zong Wei said, "What if you can't use a scholar-bureaucrat?" Tian Rao said to him, "If there is rotten meat in the kitchen, there will be no dead people under the door. Today, three liters of millet is not enough for scholars; And the emperor goose is more than millet. Wan embroidery is magnificent. Don't learn the disadvantages of wind and rain, but don't allow literati to wear clothes; Pears and millet in the orchard, women in the harem admire each other, but scholars have never tasted them, and the rich are light in your place; You can't use the dead, but it's not difficult to make people die. " So ashamed, he bypassed the table and thanked him and said, "Wei can't stand it."

Lu Aigong asked Confucius, "Who is a virtuous man today?" Yes: "Wei Linggong." Gong said, "I heard that there is no difference between an aunt and a sister in a boudoir." He said, "I look at the imperial court, not the court." Gong Ling's younger brother is called Gongzi Qumou, whose satisfaction is enough to govern the country for a long time, and his letter is enough to keep it, and Gong Ling loves it. Some scholars also say that Wang Cai, a state-owned sage, will continue to let it go, without exception; If you can't reach it, you can retreat and share it. Gong Ling respects it. Some scholars also said that it is not wrong to celebrate the great events of the country and then be treated with courtesy. Gong Ling also said so. Shi ■ went to Wei, lived in March, and the piano was not royal. Shi entered, and so did he, so I know his talent. "

The meson was introduced at the age of fifteen, and Zhong Ni heard that it was impressive. He said, "There are twenty-five gentlemen in the porch and twenty-five old people in the hall." Zhong Ni said: "Twenty-five people are smarter than Tang Wu; The strength of 25 people, the strength of Peng Zu. To rule the world, that is true freedom! "

Confucius lived in seclusion, lamenting: "The cymbals will never die, and the world has been decided." Lutz said, "I want to hear about him." Confucius said, "Young people are sensitive and eager to learn, strong people are brave and unyielding, and old people can follow others." Lutz said, "It doesn't matter if you are sensitive and eager to learn when you are young, but it doesn't matter if you are strong and brave." Who is the husband? Confucius said, "I don't know. As soon as I heard this, I attacked widows with many people, and they were all gone; It doesn't matter whether it's cheap or expensive. Yesterday, when Zhou Gongdan ruled the world, there were 70 corporal. Is there no way? You have to be a scholar, and your husband can be inferior to the scholars all over the world. What a gentleman! "

Wei Wenhou ran from Zhongshan to Anyi, followed by Tian Zifang. The master hit him and got off the bus. Zifang got on the same journey and said to the prince, "Please ask your Majesty for me and wait for me to sing a song." The prince didn't say anything, because Zifang said, "I don't know if the poor will be honored, but the rich will be honored?" Zi Fang said, "The poor will be honored, the rich will dare to be honored, the master will be honored, and the country will perish. I have never seen a country waiting for the dead. " The doctor died very proudly. I have never seen anyone treat his family to death. The poor are dissatisfied and leave. Can they not be poor? The poor are proud, but the rich dare to be proud. "The prince and Hou Wen said Tian Zifang's words, and Hou Wen sighed:" Because of my son, I heard the words of the sages, and I learned from my actions and gained friends. Since my friend and son are also friends, the monarch and the minister benefit each other and the people benefit each other. I won the credit of my friends; I want to cut Zhongshan, my martial arts is already very high. Over the past three years, Zhongshan has dedicated himself to me, and I have won the merits of martial arts. Therefore, many of us have entered this field, and I have never seen anyone who is proud of wisdom; If you can be wise and arrogant, wouldn't you be like the ancients? "

When Kim went to the tunnel, all the doctors helped him, but he didn't. Hou Wen said, "Yes! If the husband is a minister, what is the crime of forbearing you? " Right: "Its sin is heavy." Hou Wen said, "What is heavy death?" Right: "What will your wife do if you die?" After the meeting, he said, "Jun Xi only asks the people who are loyal to him, not the people who are loyal to him." Hou Wen said, "What's the crime of forbearing ministers for the monarch?" The attendant said: "The wise man does not ask, the judge does not speak, the benevolent does not do it, and the warrior does not die." Hou Wen Yuan Sui got out of the car and said to the doctor, "I have a backache. I hope that doctors will not commit crimes. "

When General Qi went out, John Zhang decided to send him, saying, "How much does General know about Lao Yao, who let you take the world and wash your ears?" Yue: "I only know it." "Uncle Boyi resigned as a vassal and stopped doing it. Does the general know? " Yue: "I only know it." "What does the general know about Yuling's resignation from the post of Sangong and the servant's irrigation of the garden?" Yue: "I only know it." "Even a wise man sometimes nods. Di Jun changed his name to avoid being Shu Ren. What does the general know?" Yue: "I only know it." "Sun Shuai's three visits have no regrets. What does the general know?" Yue: "I only know it." "Five heroes are ashamed of words. Today, the military has swallowed up the power of a country, raised the drums and raised the banner, and is determined to return to the division of 100,000 troops. He is good at axe, but he is careful not to be arrogant. " Tian Qi said, "Today, you are all props of your ancestors, and your husband taught you to be a saint alone. I appreciate your life. "

Wei Wenhou saw Duan Ganmu, too tired to rest; And look at Huang Zhai, Jutang, Huang Zhai does not say. Said: "Duan Ganmu, the official does not obey, Lu does not accept; Today, if you want to be an official, so do you. If you want to be an official, you will be an official. Isn't it difficult to get my reward and blame me? "

Confucius' legacy was smeared by Cheng Zi, who chattered all day. One day, Gu said to him, "Bring a bundle of silks and give them to your husband." The road is wrong. Once, he turned around and said, "Bring a bundle of silks and give them to your husband." Lutz crumbs suddenly said to him, "As far as I know, a scholar didn't see it. A woman gets married without a matchmaker, but a gentleman can't. " Confucius said, "You, the poem has nothing to say:' There are creeping weeds in the wild, nothing to show, beautiful women, and graceful young people, which is suitable for me to meet. "Today, Cheng Zi is a wise man in the world, so he won't give up. He will never see you again. Great virtue is not idle, and small virtue can come and go. "

Qi Huangong asked Guan Zhong to run the country, and Guan Zhong said to him, "You can't be mean." Huan Gong thought Shang Qing was dead. Why did Huan Gong say that? Guan Zhong said to him, "Poverty can't make you rich." Duke Huan gave Qi a year's rent, and Qi perished. Why did Huan Gong say that? Right: "Sparseness can't make a marriage." Huan thought Guan Zhong. Although Qi is safe, the world is ruled. Confucius said, "Guan Zhong's sage cannot have these three powers, nor can he rule the south."

Duke Huan asked Guan Zhong, "I want to let the king rot in the wine and the meat rot in the pot, so it is harmless to the tyrant?" Guan Zhong said to him, "This is far from your ear; However, bullying is not harmful. " Huan Gong said, "Why do you harm tyrants?" Guan Zhong said to him, "Those who don't know the sage will harm the tyrant; Knowing without using it will harm bullies; Use without responsibility, harm others and harm yourself; Do not believe, harm the bully; If you believe it, let a small person participate in it and harm the bully. " Duke Huan: "Good."

When Lu attacked Zhi, he said to Zhi Jun, "Please come out, stop and come back. Please don't let the dog into my house. " Zhi Jun said: "My Yu Xiansheng is also unknown to everyone; Today, Lu attacked me and my husband attacked me. I am Hu Shousheng's family? " The number of people who attack Zhu is nine. Had stopped, zhi jun repaired Ceng Zi's house, and then was greeted by him.

Ye Wei, son of Song Sicheng Lizihan, eats with * * * and wears the same clothes when he goes out; Cheng Zi rarely died, Wei Zi didn't follow, Zi Han came, and Wei Zi was also called. Left and right said, "Your good son Ye Wei, you didn't follow you when you died, but you came back. Are you worthy of your loyalty? " Zi Han said: "I can't use Wei Zi, so I died;" Today, my rehabilitation is still the legacy of Wei Zi's virtue and education, so I attach great importance to it. What's more, it's good for me to die, and it's good for me to die with me when I cut tracks and pull up trees? "

Yang Jian said, "I live in the countryside for three times and serve the monarch for five times. Wen Guojun is a good talent, so I have come to see him." Hearing this, the sword master went on hunger strike and sighed. He walked up and down, exhorting, "It is impossible to live in the country three times. It is disloyal to go to see the king five times. Today, you have met someone. " Master Jian said, "I don't know. Beautiful women are the enemies of ugly women; People with virtue are rare in troubled times; The journey of integrity is also hated by evil. " When I came out, I thought it was a phase, state rule. From the point of view, people far and near can't ignore it.

Yinghou and Jia Wuzi sat together and heard his drums. Ying Hou said, "Is this piano sad?" Jia Wuzi said: "My husband is anxious to adjust his voice, which makes people sad. Anxious people are also good materials; Those who have been transferred are also humble. Take the husband's talents and humble the official, but you can be safe and not worried! " Ying Houdao: "Good!"

In the thirteenth year, a warlord, hearing about the state of Qi, was very scared and called ministers and doctors to tell him, "Use wisdom for me." So Dr. Chunyu Kun laughed and didn't respond. Wang Fu asked him, but he smiled again. San Xiao didn't respond. Wang Zuran said unhappily, "Sir, do you take my words as a joke?" He said to me, "I dare not take the king's language as a joke." I laughed at my neighbor's shrine field and wished him that if he caught a crab, he would have a meal, a pot of wine and three fish, and killed the evil spirits, which would be more than enough in the afterlife. "What I smile at ghosts is thin, but what I want is thick." So Wang Naili made Chunyu Kun Shangqing, gave him a daughter, changed his car a hundred times, and made peace with the princes; When the princes heard of it, they stopped their soldiers and left their soldiers, afraid to attack Qi. Isn't this the power of Chunyu Kun?

Tian Ji went to Qi Ben Chu, and the king of Chu met him in the suburbs. He asked: "Chu, a country of riding, is also a country of riding, and often wants to meet each other." Why? " He said, "I know your ears. If Shen Ru is made a general, 50,000 men will be sent to the general to take it until General Bird turns around and carries it. " Qi made the generals, and Chu sent 200 thousand people to make the generals respectively. If you become a general, you will be sent in four letters. Being a general will avoid it. If you make a general, you will be a left and right Sima. If so, you just need to prick up your ears. "So the State of Qi took Shen Ru as the general, and the State of Chu sent 50,000 people to make the general arrive and captured the general's first rebellion. So he angrily set up the son of Qi, and went through the customs within four letters of Chu's notice. Later, Tian Ji, the prime minister's general, about Sima, drove nine times, just to avoid the ear. When they arrived at the house, Wang Beifang was leading Qi and asked, "How did your master know this so early? "Tian Ji said:" Shen Ru is a human being. Those who insult sages are light and heartless. Those who are virtuous and heartless are useless, so they die. Tian Ju is a human being. He respects the virtuous and is cheap and cheap. When the sage takes office, he retires with low salary, which is different. People are human beings, and they respect the virtuous and love the unworthy. Both the virtuous and the unworthy are responsible, so the king can only prick up his ears. "

Wei Wenhou, a doctor in Quyang, drank too much and sighed, "I have no Yu Rang as my minister." He raised his wine again and said, "I ask you to float." Hou Wen said, "Why?" Right: "I heard that parents who have lives don't know their dutiful sons;" A king who has a way doesn't know a loyal minister. Be the king of Yu Rang? " Hou Wen said, "Good!" Drinks, chews. He said, "Uncle Bao, without Guan Zhong as a minister, he has Yu Rang's merits." Zhao Jianzi said, "I want a good minister of Fan Zhongxing." Shi Yan said, "Is it safe to use?" Jianzi said, "Good minister, what the people want, why ask?" He said, "You are a good minister because of inaction. The husband is in charge of the monarch, and the advice can be recommended, and the good can be exchanged, which can contribute to the sage; Recite goodness in the morning and evening. If you lose, you will receive it. If you listen, you will advance. If you retreat, you will retreat. Today, Fan Zhongyan's good minister can't judge his monarch, which is very difficult. Outside, but not inside. He Liangzhi did it when he died and abandoned it; If you don't give up, you will get it. A good husband will take charge of his monarch and restore his position until his death. From then on, failure is not good. " Jane said, "Good."

Lutz asked Confucius, "What about governing the country?" Confucius said, "It's important to respect the virtuous, but it's important to be unworthy." Lutz said, "An expert in Fan respects the virtuous and is not worthy. What is his death? " Yue: "Fan Zhong's experts respect the virtuous but can't use them, and don't go because they are cheap." Sages know that they don't use it for their own purposes and complain, while unscrupulous people know that they are cheap and complain. Saints complain, and unscrupulous people complain; Before the feud, China Bank wanted to survive, but what did it get? "

Jinjing fought in Zhai, and was defeated in Jin. If you ask your father to die, you will agree. Shi Zhenbo said, "No, the battle of Chengpu is better than Jing, and the official is still worried, and Zi Yu is still there, and his worries are not over; The trapped beast is still fighting, what about the country? " When Jing was killed, he was overjoyed and said, "Don't use poison. Today, the great police officer Jin Ye, Fu Lin, is loyal to his thoughts, and he has made up for it. The defender of the country also killed it today, in order to emphasize Jingsheng. " Zhao Gong said, "Good!" Is to make a comeback.