The original text is as follows: Boya is good at drumming, and Zhong Ziqi is good at listening. Boyaguqin, aim at the mountains. Zhong Ziqi said, "OK? If you are Mount Tai! " Determined to run water, Zhong Ziqi said, "Good, like a river!" Zhong Ziqi will understand what Boya said. Boya swims in the shadow of Mount Tai. When he encounters a rainstorm, he stops under a rock. The sadness of the soul is to beat the drum with the help of the piano. At the beginning, it was Lin Yu's operation that made the voice of mountain collapse louder. Every time a song is played, Zhong Ziqi needs to be poor for its benefit. Boya gave up the piano and sighed: "Good, good, my son listens to my husband's ambition, and my imagination is still in my heart." Why should I run away? "Boya is good at playing the piano, while Zhong Ziqi is good at listening. Boya plays the piano, thinking about the mountains. Zhong Ziqi said, "Good! It' s like Mount Tai! " Thinking about running water, Zhong Ziqi said, "Good! The broad appearance is like a river! "Zhong Ziqi must know the idea of liberal arts. Boya was visiting the northern part of Mount Tai when suddenly he was caught in a rainstorm under the rock. I felt sad, so I picked up the piano and played. At first, it was the sound of continuous rain, and then it was the sound of landslides. Every time he plays a piece of music, Zhong Ziqi always finds the source of his interest. Boya put down her piano and sighed, "Good, good! When you listen to the piano, you think the same as when I play the piano. Where can I let my piano sound escape your ears? "
Liezi, also known as Xu Chongzhen Mirror, was said to have been made by Lieyukou during the Warring States Period, and was later honored as Xu Chongzhen Mirror. His theory was praised by the ancients as the way to win.
Liezi is a famous work in China's ancient ideological and cultural history in the pre-Qin period. It belongs to various schools of thought and is a book of wisdom. It can open people's minds, inspire people and give them wisdom. There are eight examples recorded by Taoism in the history of Han Dynasty. Ban Gu said that the examples were called "the name of Liekou, which was called by Zhuangzi before Zhuangzi". The book is divided into eight chapters, such as Tian Rui, Huangdi, Zhou Muwang, Zhong Ni, Tang Wen, Mo Lifeng, Yang Zhu and Fu Shuo. Each chapter consists of many fables.
In the first year of Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, he appointed a doctor of metaphysics, declared Liezi as the true sutra of Xu Chong, and sealed it as the true sutra of Xu Chong to Virtue in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is listed as one of the important Taoist classics.