Wang Yangming believes that the so-called "grasping things means grasping knowledge" is not what Zhu said, but selfish desires and conscience. No matter what you study, astronomy and geography, the most important thing is to "live up to your conscience." If you learn knowledge, you will kill and set fire to it, and your conscience will disappear. If it benefits one party, that is the real light and conscience.
Yangming's mind thought
Yangming's theory of mind is not only the study of idealism, but also the study of psychology. It is a collection of a series of philosophical thoughts of ancient thinkers in China who not only emphasized the nature of Tao, but also advocated the unity of man and nature, and paid more attention to people's subjective initiative. Through the core concepts such as mind is reason, unity of knowledge and action, and conscience, the unity of theory and practice, the unity of subject and object, and the unity of inner sage and outer king has been realized.
Standing in today's new historical position, inheriting and carrying forward Yangming's theory of mind has important theoretical value and practical significance.