Civilization is a movement rather than a state, it is a voyage rather than a port.
Civilization comes when ideals are applied to real things. ------Hugo
True civilization is the result of everyone cultivating happiness. ------Toyota Rohan
Civilization is not built by machines but by ideas. -------Norman Carres
A person's courtesy is a mirror that reflects his portrait. ------Goethe
An amiable attitude is a permanent letter of introduction. ------Bacon
Ruth and rudeness are a means used by people who are empty inside to make themselves appear powerful. ------Eric Hofer
Prejudice is the product of ignorance.------Hazlitt
Courtesy is like an air mattress: what might be inside None, but it can wonderfully reduce our bumps.
----These words tell us that etiquette and life are inseparable, and civilization may be the navigation beacon in people's lives