Confucius' famous saying. "The Analects of Confucius" Yan Yuan said: "Zhong Gong asked for benevolence, and Confucius said: Going out to see big guests makes people like big sacrifices. Don't do what you don't want, don't do it in the state, and don't complain at home. " Confucius said he was a benevolent man. Wei Linggong: "Zi Gong asked: Who can keep a word for life? Confucius said: it is tolerance. Don't do to others what you don't want. " This is another excuse. Confucius often uses "forgiveness" to interpret "benevolence" Zhu Note: "Be lenient with others, and push yourself and others." That is, Zi Gong said, "I don't want others to add me, I also want to add others."
Zi Gong asked Confucius, "Is there a sentence that can be pursued for life?" Confucius replied: "This is forgiveness! Don't impose what you don't want on others. "
The gentleman said, "I guess it's forgiveness." Don't impose what you don't want on others. "
& lt& lt Wei Linggong XV: "Zi Gong asked: Who can walk all his life in one sentence? Confucius said: it is tolerance. Don't do to others what you don't want. "
Zi Gong asked Confucius, can the truth of life cultivation be summarized in one sentence? Don't talk so much about how to be a man. As long as there is a focus, you can do it all your life. Confucius said this forgiveness.
Don't impose what you don't like on others.
I don't want others to impose it on me, and I want to impose it on others.
That is: think from the perspective of others.
Commenting on The Way of Loyalty and Forgiveness can be said to be an invention of Confucius. This invention has a great influence on future generations. Confucius regards "loyalty and forgiveness" as the criterion for dealing with interpersonal relationships, which is also a feature of Confucian ethics. Only in this way can we eliminate others' resentment against ourselves, ease interpersonal relationships and stabilize the social order at that time.
Forgive; Ways to get rid of others' resentment against themselves