From The Analects of Confucius, Xianwen. If you want to be a scholar, but you want the comfort of your family, you don't deserve to be a scholar.
This is Confucius' expectation for taxis. Encourage men to care about the world, don't be sentimental, and covet comfort.
Second, the sun and the moon have no light, and the years do not follow me.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius Yang Huo. Sun and moon refer to time and time. Past, past, past. Oh, yes. Age, time. Time has passed and time waits for no one.
This is what Yang Huo said to persuade Confucius to be an official. If you want to make a difference, don't miss the opportunity. You may delay, but time will not.
Third, the deceased is like a husband, not giving up day and night.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius Zi Han. The deceased refers to the past time. For example, for example. Si, this, this refers to the flowing river. Give up, stop, give up. The past time is like this endless river, flowing day and night.
This is Confucius' metaphor of time with river water, lamenting that life is short and time flies.
Fourth, there has been death since ancient times, and the people have no faith.
From the Analects of Yan Yuan. No trust, no trust. Establishment refers to the establishment and existence of a country. People have starved to death in any country since ancient times.
So, death is not terrible. People are worried that people in a country don't trust the government. In this case, the country is at stake.
Five, scholars can't help but hongyi, a long way to go.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius Taber. Scholars should be broad-minded and strong-willed, because they shoulder heavy responsibilities and have a long way to go.
Six, the age is cold, and it is known that pines and cypresses are dying.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius Zi Han. Years, years. A cold year, a cold season of the year. Only in the coldest weather do we know that the leaves of pine and cypress are the last to wither.
This is the language of Confucius' noble personality, which means that a gentleman is independent and uninhibited.
Seven, the three armed forces can win the handsome, ordinary people can't win the ambition.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius Zi Han. A country's army can lose its coach, but the ambition of an ordinary person cannot be changed.
This is a famous saying of Confucius, which has inspired countless people with lofty ideals in China from ancient times to the present to remain unmoved by interests in a difficult and difficult environment, and finally become a strong hero who goes down in history.
Eight, a benevolent man wants to stand and stand, and wants to achieve it.
From the Analects of Confucius Yongye. Desire, thinking. Stand, stand, and achieve something. Benevolent people want to achieve things, let others achieve things; I want to have a smooth life, and I want others to have a smooth career.
This is the moral standard put forward by Confucius for the "benevolent".
Nine, forty, and fifty are unknown, and you are not afraid.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius Zi Han. Unknown, unknown or unknown to others. How about it? Modal auxiliary words. Yeah, yeah. That's enough, that's enough, okay. Fear, fear. There is nothing to be afraid of when you are forty or fifty years old.
This is the reason why Confucius encouraged the younger generation to cherish time and work hard, which also included the encouragement of "being a late bloomer" so that the later generation would not be discouraged.
10. Confucius said: a gentleman is knowledgeable in literature, which can be a gift or a husband.
Excerpted from The Analects of Confucius, Yongye VI. Confucius said: a gentleman will learn cultural knowledge extensively and restrain himself with courtesy, so that he will not go off the rails.