Zi Gong asked his friend. Confucius said, "Give advice and be good at guiding. If you can't stop, don't bring disgrace to oneself. " -The Analects of Confucius? Yan Yuan "
My friend died and had nowhere to go, saying, "I'll bury him." -The Analects of Confucius? Rural party
A gentleman is always ready to help others achieve their goals, not to help others do bad things.
Confucius said, "The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is incomparable."
Confucius said, "People without faith don't know what they can do."
If you want to be a man standing, you want to reach out and be a man.
Friends are easy, friendly and soft, but friends are one-sided and harmful.
Take literature as your friend and benevolence as your friend.
There are three friends who benefit and three friends who suffer.
How about seeing Si Qi? See Si Qi for introspection.