1. If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will miss someone; if you talk to someone you can't talk to, you will lose your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words. ——Confucius
2. If a gentleman is not serious, he will not be powerful; if he is not learned, he will not be solid. The Lord is faithful. He who has no friends is not as good as himself. Don’t be afraid to correct it if it’s too late. ——Confucius
3. What you say must be true, and what you do must be true, but you are a villain!——Confucius
4. A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions. ——Confucius
5. People who have no faith do not know what is possible. There are no big carts or small carts, so how can it move? ——Confucius
6. A gentleman is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world. ——Confucius
7. The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of a man, but the evil of a man. . The villain is on the contrary. ——Confucius
8. Give advice and be good at it. Stop if it doesn't work. Don't humiliate yourself. ——Confucius
9. A gentleman’s name must be something to be said, and his words must be actionable. A gentleman is nothing more than strict about what he says. ——Confucius
10. Be respectful in your conduct, respectful in your work, and loyal to others. ——Confucius
11. To say something without mentioning it is called impatience; to say something without saying anything is called concealment; to say something without seeing the color is called blindness. ——Confucius
12. People with different paths should not conspire with each other. ——Confucius
13. Be loyal in words and respectful in deeds, even in a barbaric country. If you are not faithful in words and respectful in deeds, how can you behave even in the state? - Confucius
14. Do not deceive yourself internally and do not deceive others externally. ——Confucius?
15. People who have no faith do not know what they can do. ——Confucius?