Mount Tai is not built for building, and knowledge is not for boasting. The sky doesn't say anything about how high it is, and the earth doesn't say anything about how high it is.
When the water is full, it will overflow; when the moon is full, it will suffer losses; when you are complacent, you will be defeated; when you are conceited, you will be foolish.
The buns have meat, not the skin; people are knowledgeable and don’t talk about it.
If you are not honest, you will not achieve anything, and if you are not humble, you will not know anything. Those who are not self-righteous will be knowledgeable, and those who are not complacent will benefit.
A humble person always thinks about his own shortcomings; a proud person always praises his own strengths.
1 or 3 sentences are better! ! ! Supplement——————Instead of looking for fish in the abyss, it is better to retreat and build a net! ! ! ! !