Mencius: Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You cannot have both, and you are the one who sacrifices your life for righteousness
Zhuge Liang: If you want to survive in troubled times, you don’t want to be heard and reached by the princes
Wang Bo: You know your friends in the sea, and you are as close as your neighbor to the end of the world< /p>
Fan Zhongyan: Worry about the world's worries first, and rejoice after the world's happiness. Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself.
If you live high in a temple, you worry about your people; if you live far away from the rivers and lakes, you worry about your king.
Zhou Dunyi, I only love the lotus that emerges from the mud but is not stained; The vines are not branched, the fragrance is far away and the fragrance is clear, the pavilions are clean and planted, you can look at it from a distance but not play with it
Su Shi: I hope that people will live forever, thousands of miles away from the beauty of the moon