Einstein called the market multiplication "the eighth wonder of the world".
Market multiplication, also known as network science, is a treasure in the world cultural treasure house. The smartest and most profitable American Jew in the world once said, "If you have the Internet, you have the whole world." Internet amateurs find it difficult to understand the true meaning of this statement. But as a person who knows the principle of market multiplication, 100% people will think this is a wise saying. Among the 500,000 millionaires in the United States, about 20% have created their great wealth by studying in the market many times. This is the greatness of market multiplication!
Multiplication principle:
1, market doubled
Market multiplication uses the principle of geometric series, and its scope and coverage are beyond the reach of any other marketing method. If a company has eight dealers and each dealer develops eight dealers, by the eighth generation, the company will have 167772 16 dealers. In other words, this market is infinitely multiplied. Of course, it is not so fast in reality, and some links can't be as fast as in theory, but the power of this method is beyond the reach of other marketing methods.