1. The square character is not square, but the left and right sides are good. (Tian Bai Hui) The yin strokes should be thin, and the right yang strokes should be thick and clear. The italics should not be slanted, and the whole should be straight. (Although the straightness and slope of the Five Ancients are obvious, the main function is to stand firmly).
2. The middle stroke is long and the lower stroke is long, and the cross arms should be clear. (Happy to Lou'an) One stroke takes over the waist without losing the mainstay.
3. Eight-crossed herringbone, with the top of the cross in the air. (Meeting the Golden Ming) The head should be aligned, not east to west.
4. Cross under the eight characters, also in the middle of the characters. (Heavenly Father Wen Zhi) If it is tilted to the east or west, the character will not be formed.
5. Originally, the characters were straight, with horizontal strokes running diagonally upward. (Lord Wang Shengzheng) If it is flat or low, it will reduce the beauty.
6. There are words but no straight strokes, and the strokes are slanted. (Yi Mu Li Nai) Those who are partial should be slightly corrected, and the overall beauty will be achieved.
7. The upstroke should not be long, the downstroke is the main work. (Pi mutually stand together) Between the two divisions of the whole, the arrangement should be moderate.
8. If the left and right sides are vertical, the left side should be short and thin. (The page is solid because of its nature) The right vertical line is thick and strong, and the main stroke is round.
9. There are horizontal and vertical lines, so remember the horizontal and vertical lines clearly. (Mumi Zhuwei) The vertical length cannot be reduced, and the long wind can be suppressed.