Like Confucius, Mencius once led students to travel to Wei, Qi, Song, Lu, Teng, Xue and other countries, and once served as a guest minister. Because his political views were not as important as those of Confucius, he returned to his hometown to call his disciples to give lectures, and wrote a book with Zhang Wan and other students, saying, "Preface a poem book, understand Zhong Ni's meaning, and write seven pieces of Mencius."
Mencius, one of the most important representatives of Confucianism, was called "Yasheng" by later generations.
Since Han Yu wrote The Original Road in the mid-Tang Dynasty and listed Mencius as the only figure in pre-Qin Confucianism who inherited Confucian orthodoxy, there has been an "upgrading movement" of Mencius, and the status of Mencius and his works has gradually risen. In the Han Dynasty, Mencius was regarded as the "biography" of the auxiliary wing "classic book", which was juxtaposed with Confucius' Analects of Confucius.
In the Five Dynasties, Meng Chang, the master of the post-Shu Dynasty, ordered the engraving of eleven classics, including Yi, Shu, Shi, Li, Zhou Li, Biography of Ram, Biography of Gu Liang, Zuozhuan, Analects of Confucius and Mencius. The Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean are considered to be the works of Zeng Shen, a disciple of Confucius, and Zi Si, a grandson of Confucius. In this way, Mencius is on an equal footing with Confucius and his lineal works.
Article 1: Famous sayings and aphorisms of growing up
1, it's hard to get up in the morning if you don't come back in your prime. Encourage yourself