Today, Chu, a big country, has come to hire Confucius. Confucius was useful in Chu, but Cai Chen was dangerous as a doctor. "So it is the stage of sending disciples to the wild to surround Confucius. No thread, no food. If the follower is ill, he can't succeed. Confucius never forgot to recite string songs. Lutz saw it and said, "Are gentlemen poor? Confucius said, "A gentleman is poor, but a villain is poor. "
Now that Chu is a big country, it sent someone to hire Confucius. If Confucius is used in Chu, it will be dangerous for us to take care of Chen and Cai's doctors. "So he * * * with dispatch will be surrounded by Confucius ACTS in the wild. Confucius couldn't walk and ran out of food. The follower's disciple was tired and hungry and couldn't stand up.
But Confucius still taught reading, playing songs, teaching poetry, books, rituals and music, and never stopped. Lutz was very angry and came to see Confucius and said, "Is it difficult for a gentleman?" Confucius said, "A gentleman can stick to it when he is in trouble, but a villain will run amok when he is in trouble."
Extended data:
Confucius' Family is a classical Chinese written by Sima Qian, a historian of the Western Han Dynasty, and is included in Historical Records.
Confucius, who was educated by Laozi, learned and absorbed the civilization and knowledge of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. He was a famous thinker and great educator in ancient China and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius Family is a historical book of Sima Qian, which describes Confucius' life activities and achievements in various aspects in detail, and is one of the most important documents to study Confucius' life thoughts.