Original text:
The journey of the great road means that the world is for the common good, select the worthy and capable, maintain trust and cultivate harmony. Therefore, people do not only care for their relatives, nor do they only have children for their children, so that the old will have their end, the strong will be useful, the young will have their own growth, the humble, the widowed, the lonely, the disabled and the disabled will all be supported, the men will have their share, and the women will have their homes.
There is no need to hide the goods on the ground if they are disgusted; they do not need to be hidden for oneself because the power does not come from the body, so there is no need to do it for yourself. This is why people seek to be closed but not prosperous, to steal and cause chaos but not to commit crimes, and why the outside world is not closed to the outside world. This is called Great Harmony.
When the Great Dao is implemented, the world is owned by people. People with high moral character and capable people are selected. Everyone pays attention to integrity and cultivates harmony.
Therefore, people not only support their relatives, but also raise their children so that the elderly can enjoy their old age, the adults can serve the society, the children can grow up healthily, and the old people can be healthy. Wifeless people, old people without husbands, young people without fathers, old people without children, and disabled people all have people to support them.
Men have jobs and women have a destination. Regarding wealth, people hate throwing it on the ground, but they do not necessarily want to keep it to themselves; people are willing to do their best for public affairs, but not necessarily for their own private gain.
Therefore, treacherous plots will not happen, theft, rebellion and harm will not happen, and every household will not need to close its doors. This is called an ideal society.
Extended information:
1. Creation background
This article is selected from "Book of Rites·Liyun". "Book of Rites" is one of the Confucian classics. It was compiled and compiled by Dai Sheng of the Western Han Dynasty on various etiquette treatises before the Qin and Han Dynasties. It has forty-nine chapters and is a collection of materials on Confucian thought.
"The Journey of the Great Dao" is a passage written by Confucius in the beginning of "Book of Rites·Liyun", which is intended to clarify the basic characteristics of the "Great Harmony" society in Confucian ideals.
Confucius made these remarks because he lived in a turbulent and chaotic late Spring and Autumn Period and eagerly hoped for a peaceful and prosperous age and an ideal society.
2. Appreciation
This article points out the bright prospects of the "Datong" society on the basis of clarifying the basic characteristics of the "Datong" society. Here everyone can receive social care, live and work in peace and contentment, and do their best. This is where the lofty social ideals of Confucianism are entrusted.
The article compares the real society with the ideal "Great Harmony" society, and thus logically points out that many phenomena in the real society, such as conspiracy, theft of property, and rebellion, will no longer exist in the "Great Harmony society. What will be replaced will be a peaceful and stable situation of "opening the door but not closing the door"
This has reflected the true situation of the real society: social chaos, turmoil, intrigues, and people. People are in danger; thieves are rampant and chaos reigns.
Baidu Encyclopedia - A trip to the main road