1, Guan Guanluo dove, in Hezhou. A beautiful and virtuous woman is a good spouse of a gentleman. The Book of Songs Nan Zhou Guanluo
2, the peach wants to die, burning its China. Book of Songs Nan Zhou Yao Tao
3. Beowulf is a public servant. The Book of Songs, Nan Zhou and Rabbit's Inclusion.
4. The Han Dynasty is vast, so you can't swim. The river is so long that it is impossible to take a raft. The Book of Songs Nan Zhou Han Guang
5. It's sad not to meet a gentleman. I stopped when I saw it, and my heart was relieved. The Book of Songs Zhao Nan Cao Chong
6, my heart is full of stones, but I can't turn it around. I'm full of bandits. I can't get involved. Book of Songs, Li Feng, Bai Zhou
7, I think of the ancients, I really got my heart! The Book of Songs Li Feng Green Clothes
8, the breadth of life and death, Zi Chengqi said. Hold your hand and grow old with your son. The Book of Songs, High Wind and Drumming
9, Kaifeng southerners, blowing his salary. The Book of Songs Li Feng Kaifeng
10, Hu Weiwei is in the mud! The Book of Songs Li Feng and its Decline
1 1, heaven is what it is! The Book of Songs Li Feng North Gate
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