Zhu Wenji, Wan Ren also. Family background and clothes. Hui is lonely early and has a determination. In thirteen years, follwed was defeated and the world was in chaos. He and his family rushed into Wancheng from other places. Tao met a gang of thieves, and the white blade robbed the women of their clothes. Kundi's guests were all panicked and didn't dare to move. Before drawing the sword, Hui said, "You can take all your things, but you can't take your mother's clothes. Zhu Hui will die today! " Seeing his smallness, the thief strengthened his ambition and said with a smile, "The boy is in the knife." So I left.
At the beginning of Yongping, Xian Zong's uncle Hou went to wait because he missed Huixian, but Hui avoided seeing him. After seeing Jia Cheng off as a tribute, Hui closed the door. Hearing this, he sighed, "People with lofty ideals should not take away the festival." After the county magistrate, the prefect Ruan tasted the city's maid, and Hui refused. In case of death, Hui Naihou will give it to his family. People may laugh at Yan and say, "The former Ruan Fu Jun wanted something from me, but he didn't dare to listen to his orders, for fear that the goods would pollute him." He said, "yi zhu is a righteous man. Don't mention it again." More than others. Cang stopped and summoned Hui and said, "Who do you think Lin Xiangru is?" The emperor heard about it. When you were in Chang 'an, you wanted to be strict with Su Wei, so you took Hui Hui as your guardian. Move to Linhuai House again.
Hui is good at saving money, being useful and diligent. All the charges are based on the crime rate of doing good deeds, and they are all aimed at seeking the truth and getting more benefits. Its unjust prisoners immediately stiffened their servants. Officials are afraid of love, so they sing "stiff and complacent, Nanyang Zhu Ji." Fear of its power, people are pregnant with its benefits. " A few years, sitting around.
Hui is just an official, but he is afraid when he sees it, and most of the places collapse. Since I went to Linhuai, I have lived in the wild and eaten clothes and vegetables. Without communication with the city, the hard villages and towns laughed at it. When junior high school was built, Nanyang was hungry, more than 1000 meters, with stones. Hui tried his best to disperse the wealth of the family, so that the poor and old in the family could return to their hometown. At the beginning, Zhang Kan Su in Huitong County was famous. Taste the business of imperial college and see the benefits. He is very serious. He adopted a friendly attitude and said, "I want to entrust my wife to Zhu Sheng." Huixian stretched out his hand first, but he didn't dare to raise his hand. We never met again. When I heard that my wife was poor, I waited for her and gave her generous support. Hui Shaozi was surprised and asked, "Adults don't make friends with Kan. We have never heard of each other in our lives, and our descendants stole it. " Hui said, "I can taste the words of my bosom friend, and I believe them in my heart." Hui still befriended Chen in the same county and died young. There was a posthumous title who Hui often mourned. Stuart was also the prefect of Nanyang, called Pian as an official, and recommended friends to him. I sighed and called it. It means fierce.
Yuan, Zhong and Su Zong went on a patrol, and called the Nanyang prefect to ask you about your daily life, calling him a servant of Shangshu. In the middle of the year, I moved to Taishan House. Shu Hui begged to stay in the middle and agreed. Because of the cheap price in Chen Mi, I deeply saw the Kingdom of Ghana. The imperial edict said: "To make up for the shortcomings of the public, it is not necessary to be innocent, but to be virtuous and beautiful. The vulgar officials are promiscuous and obedient, but they have no ambition, but they have no idea of retreat and have suffered for a long time. Only what I said today suits me. Give birth! "
It was at the time of Gu Gui that the county magistrate was useless, which worried the court. Minister Zhang Lin said: "Gu Gui, money is cheap. You can seal up the money as much as possible and rent the cloth, so that the whole world can use it. Salt and food are urgent, although expensive, the people have to use them, and they are self-sufficient. Paying the address, the benefit of Yizhou, the treasure of the city, and the benefits are also appropriate. When Emperor Wu was in power, the so-called loser was also. " So I wrote to the ministers to discuss this matter. According to the statement, it is impossible to implement "Hui Xi", so it is practical. After chenchen, he reiterated Qian Lin's suggestion that it was convenient for the country to be honest. The emperor ran it and gave it a letter. Huifu Solo said: "The king system, the son of heaven does not say whether there is anything, the princes do not say much, and the Lu restaurant does not compete with the people for profit." Today, the law of equal loss is no different from that of Jia vendors. Salt benefits go to officials, servants are poor and resentful, cloth and silk are rented, and there are many traitors and thieves. It is really not suitable for a wise Lord. " The emperor's minions took Lin's words for granted and reconsidered him. In anger, he blamed the ministers. Hui and others are in prison. On the third day, he was ordered out. Yue: "Guo Le listens to refutation, Huang Mao is not embarrassed, and the imperial edict is over the ear. Why are you self-disciplined? " Hui refused to continue the discussion because she said she was ill. Shang Shuling was frightened and said to Hui, "Now that you are going to be sent away, why do you still claim to be sick? What a terrible disaster! " Hui said, "When you are eighty years old, you will get a secret, and you will be rewarded with death. If you know that you can't follow the same purpose, you should be responsible for the justice of the courtiers. I didn't hear anything today. I'm waiting to die. " Then shut up. Stop it. The ministers didn't know what to do, but they played illegally. The emperor understood and went to sleep. A few days later, the imperial edict instructed Lang to stay. The doctor treated too many diseases and the officials gave him food. Thank you. I'll give you 100000, cloth 100, and collars10.
Later, he moved to be a minister, asked for help from an old illness, worshipped a captain, and gave money of 200,000. And emperor acceded to the throne, Dou Xian northern expedition to the Huns, Hui Fu hydrophobic remonstration. Worthy, sick. "
At the beginning, Zhang Kan Su in Huitong County was famous. Taste the business of imperial college and see the benefits. He is very serious. He adopted a friendly attitude and said, "I want to entrust my wife to Zhu Sheng." Huixian stretched out his hand first, but he didn't dare to raise his hand. We never met again. When I heard that my wife was poor, I waited for her and gave her generous support. Hui Shaozi was surprised and asked, "Adults don't make friends with Kan. We have never heard of each other in our lives, and our descendants stole it. " Hui said, "I can taste the words of my bosom friend, and I believe them in my heart."