1. Confucius said: Isn’t it true that one should learn and practice from time to time? ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. Xue Er" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: People who want to learn should use the knowledge they have learned in real life in a timely manner. At the same time, they should often review the knowledge they have learned, and they will experience the endless joy of learning.
2. Confucius said: A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in, and he has no desire to live in peace. He is sensitive to things and careful in his words. ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. Xue Er" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: A gentleman does not pursue food, warmth and comfort in life. He should be diligent and agile in work and cautious in speech. He should always get close to moral and knowledgeable people and learn from them, and correct his mistakes. This can be called a gentleman who likes to learn.
3. Confucius said: By reviewing the past and learning the new, one can become a teacher. ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. For Politics" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: By constantly reviewing the knowledge you have learned, you can gain new understanding, and with new knowledge, you can become a teacher.
4. Confucius said: Learning without thinking will lead to ignorance; thinking without learning will lead to peril. ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. For Politics" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: If you study without thinking, you will be confused and gain nothing, and it will easily lead to rigidity and dogmatism; if you think without studying, you will be confused and confused because of impracticality. Time is wasted but nothing is achieved, so we must combine thinking and practice to make great progress in learning.
5. The Master said: To know is to know, and to not know is to know. This is knowledge. ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. For Politics" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: Knowing means knowing, and not knowing means not knowing. This is true wisdom! I usually see many people who care about face and like to pretend to know what they don’t know. This is not practical, not serious, and not a scholarly attitude. It harms not others, but themselves.
6. The Master said: Those who know are not as good as those who are good at this, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy. ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. Yong Ye" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: Whether it is knowledge or skills, those who know it are not as good as those who love it; those who love it are not as good as those who take pleasure in it. ?
7. The Master said: I know it silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is that for me? ——The words come from "The Analects of Confucius. Shuer" written by Confucius and his disciples.
Translation: Confucius said: Keep what you see and hear in mind, study hard without feeling satisfied, teach others without getting tired, how many of these things have I done myself?